Thoughts on best budget phono pre-amp under $400?

Looking for opinions and thoughts on best phono pre-amp under $400 used.
Will be used with a ClearAudio emotion 4 table and ClearAudio Artist V2 mm cart.
Ones I have looked at so far are Vincent pho-8, Creek obh-15, Lounge Audio mk3.
Hopefully get some solid advice and suggestions from actual users.
Listen mainly to modern rock and some classic rock, think A7X, Yes, Rush, Audioslave etc.
Thank you in advance and happy thanksgiving to all!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
In the lower price arena I have owned the Nighthawk, Parks Audio Budgie, and Vista Audio. 

I prefer the Parks and Vista to the Nighthawk.   More musical, less analytical.  Both are right at your budget, and IMO both perform way beyond their price points.

FWIW, my local audio buddies who also heard all three had the same preferences.
For rock I don't think you want battery powered phono because you might lose some dynamics, especially inexpensive phono. If you can find Acoustech, that's what I use for different kinds of music including jazzrock, you are very unlikely to do better. If you cannot, I would probably get the best Lehmann I could afford.
Both the Budgie and the Vista models look interesting and both in budget even at new prices.
Undecided if I truly need the ability to tailor load and gain but nice to have the option.
Another one I came across was the iFi.

At present I am using an ultra budget cambridge audio 551p which with my cart and table actually sounds pretty darn good to my ears.
+1 on the AcousTech PH1. After receiving it put in another $7.00, upgrade the opamps and you'll have a preamp that betters most under 2500.