Pre amp with Dac

Is there a Pre with a dac included out there in the $2500 used that does a good job. I stream Tidal from my computer; no phono needed. I use Bel Canto 600ref mono's for amps.   Thanks  Gary

It’s a little bit beyond your budget, but you may be able to locate one used for around $3000, the PS Audio Direct Stream Junior.  It’s not a preamp, per se, but can operate as one.  I’ve used it as a preamp and was quite impressed with the results.  As far as how it performs as a DAC, there’s been plenty written and reviewed on them.  They do have a network bridge, so streaming Tidal and Roon is quite seamless.  Heck, you may be able to call them directly to see if you could peel one from them at a discount/Black Friday type deal, may be worth a shot.  

NAD M51 is on sale at the Audio Advisor at almost half price. Sounds like a great deal for someone looking for a very good digital preamp.