REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening

I have Zu Omen Defs connected to a NuForce STA200 (class a/b) amp. REL has suggested a T9/i

SVS has a cheaper SB-2000 which seems to be closer for half the price

I've read numerous places that REL is way overpriced and SVS is great for music. I am aware of Zu's subs...would like to keep the price under a grand if possible. 

Dave thanks for advice. RELs are still being considered. REL recommended the S3 or the T/9i for my set up
@aberyclark  back to the beginning, most music doesn't have both heavy and tuneful bass at the same time. Yes, there is plenty of music with heavy bass, example- blue man group, but is often electronic generated bass.  So the question becomes are you looking for chest thumping bass for this type of music ( for which ported will work fine) or loud and powerful bass guitar, bass drum and organ music ( as examples)in other words( tuneful bass). If it's tuneful bass, then high passing to the mains, digital bass management, willingness to relocate the sub to the best sounding location  and spending at least $1k or more are probably needed.  To test this out, buy the cheap Svs and then a sealed rel, rythmik, psa, to name a few and see if you notice a difference and then send the "loser" back. 
@dlcockrum  and @aberyclark 

Any thoughts on the Longbow wireless delivery system vs using the Speakon wired connector?
Hi David,

No experience with Longbow but it also gets its signal from the hi-level Speak-on cable from the amplifier's outputs and then transmits the signal wirelessly to compatible REL (their highest end) subs, so the benefit of the REL design should be retained. 

I can appreciate eliminating the constraint of the input cable for more flexible sub placement (although the sub's power cord could still be a possible constraint) but IMO it is a major oversight not to include a wireless remote function to adjust the sub from the listening position. Also, it is unclear if it can be used with multiple subs, but I can't see why not if both have a wireless receiver module.

I have a REL S5 and couldn’t be happier with it. When I purchased my REL a few months back I asked similar questions as you and considered the SVS as well. In the end I learned that one of a sub’s most important responsibilities in sound reproduction is to create a sense of space. The REL’s drivers are very fast and integrate seamlessly with my PSB T3’s and help to create an enormous and well integrated sound-stage. I love what it does with 2 channel music as well as movies. REL's philosophy and approach is a little different than other speaker manufacturers. I'd suggest going on Youtube and searching under REL subwoofer. Find a video where John Hunter, CEO and Chief Designer at REL talks about the REL philosophy. There are several very good ones.

Good luck with your purchase.