B&W DM6 speakers

I was wondering if anyone else out there is familiar with B&W DM 6 speakers. I have a pair I still use. I am wondering how others felt or feel about them. I have the change my speakers bug, but I am somewhat attached to these.
can anyone email me a photo of their midrange kevlar dm6 driver and sharpman get me your email and i will copy you the original dm6 manual and tickertape of freq range.

send to mrh@bigpond.net.au
I have had a pair for about 15 years and I have modified them quite extensively with rewire, bipassing the fuses etc and new capaciters. I have kept the original drivers. Removing about half of the internal wadding helped also. They are suberb speakers and when positooned correctly and driven by high powererd quality amplification they can be quite suberb. I currently drive them with 150watt Krells. In terms of absolute control and tranparency they may not be up there the very best but they seem very neutral and the truth is that I can't bear to replace them. Whernever I have had any work done to them by HI-FI stors the feedback is that these people are are stunned at the sound. They need to be raised slightly and set on solid bases I use concrete slabs.
I've now got mine on massive solid oak plinths with brass spikes. Really clears everything up and tightens the bass. Have also removed half of the internal wadding like glen did. I find that these speakers need a very high toe-in angle to sound good. Just my ears and my 2 cents. Regards, David.
mine dm6 is suberb,the close box is fenomenal, changed the internal wiring and capacitors ,spikes in the supports (8mm) for better stability, think that the height of the supports is the best, higher I lose in the highs, in some comparisons with 802 matrix and 801 series 80, only change for the 801, the mids of the 802 are better, but it loses for bass, and the dm6 are more linear and easy to drive, in relation to the new models top of the line, really touches more high but it does not have the same soul and bass reflex always finishes for compromising. well, we can always blame the room :)
Changing internal wiring and capacitors is obligatory, or then it is the same that to buy an old car and not making the revision and not changing of tyres... you think they sound good original,you only knows half of the value.