Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?

Doesn't look too pretty, but who cares, right ?
Buying audio equipment is a purely a business transaction, the dealer is out to make money, and is not your friend.......IMO.

Fixed list the norm.

Equipment setups do not sound like what you get at home, and judging in store is a crap shoot.

Buy at the lowest price even if online.

Dealers simply can not service complicated equipment in has to go back to the manufacturing plant.

Most dealers do not even know, or try, to do in home setup. They just sell boxes of audio equipment.
The dealer doesn’t have to be your friend. But he, or she, has to add value, by keeping you from wasting money on gear that is not consistent with your system goals and listening bias. And by letting you verify that, preferably in the context of your own system, at home.

Those services are either worth some monetary amount to you, or they are not. And if they are not, do not steal your dealers time and resources. Just order what you think you need on line. Or purchase from the secondary market.
I think that you are mis-quoting me. I said “can’t stand” not “hate”. Do you understand the difference? Likewise Cleeds deduces that I am angry at dealers and this is not true either.

Having lived in New York City and Los Angeles for protracted periods of time, as well as smaller cities I have found, too often, that dealers fail at the mission I have outlined in the post above.

Many are more concerned with their needs and likes than that of the customer, which is reflected in their recommended gear as well as the music that they choose to play.  And many that I have met got into the business for a love of music with minimal business background and precious little customer service experience. This becomes very problematic, very quickly and, frankly, I would rather buy and resell on the secondary market than have to suffer one more dealer.

Kudos to Terri Inman at Stereotypes in Portland OR, who seems to be a model of how to do it right. But I really can’t bother to pan through all of that sand for a few nuggets of gold. YMMV.
oddiofyl said this:
I should say that Audio Visual Therapy in Nashua NH is excellent to deal with and while they didnt have the speakers in the finish i wanted in stock, it was more important that I got to listen to them . They spent time with different amps, putting a sub in the system , etc. Their service is top notch and guess what? It didn’t cost any more than if I ordered them on line, and that’s definitely not something I would do as they have treated me fair everytime I’ve been there.
This parallels my experience rather well with my local dealer, Duane Randleman.