Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?

They got a lot of press a few years ago, now their flagships are on Audiogon at a small fraction of their cost.

I have never heard their flagship offerings, but I am on my second pair of SP2 Signatures after foolishly selling the first. I have owned speakers from Magnepan, Von Schweikert, Meadowlark, Roman Audio,.....etc..., but none have captured my soul like the Montanas.

Oh my gosh! If all is well with those WAS's for sale, grab them! Grab them now! That's a fantastic price for speakers that are absolutely incredible. I own the WAS's and find them to be smooth throughout the range -- they pick up details and provide slam without beign fatiguing or overwhelming. For whomever has the room for these large and heavy speakers, I urge you to go for them!

This reminds me of those ads where Crazy Harry is having a special weekend sale. Unless something is wrong with those speakers, I'd suggest someone would have to be crazy to sell them at this price ;-)
I agree with Ozzy62 about the Montana SP II's they are
some of the most musical speakers EVER!! I miss mine.
You don't see them that often and for good reason.
If I did not have the Hyperion HPS 938's, that would
be the speaker I would go back to.
I have the SPIIs. I think there are a lot of Montana owners out there who just watch the other "flavor of the month" speakers come & go.
I didn't bother to check that the WASs were still being offered when responding initially to this topic, but from your post assumed that they were and doublechecked -- I had seen them appear in NEW TODAY when they first rolled though. Can you believe that when I did rediscover them, I underwent the sudden irrational yet irrepressible flash of a notion that your post should be suppressed somehow for fear that someone might learn of this complete steal and snatch up MY speakers?!

Actually, I had reluctantly, upon sober moments reflection, realized that my budget and space considerations among others militate against the prospect of claiming this deal of the century, but somehow just knowing they are there still allows me the dream -- ultimately, of course, I will have to forget that they are there or actually hope some other fortunate enriches his life before I do something rash.