How to pick a COMPATIBLE phono cartridge

As follow-up to my recent post titled "Da Benz", I'm trying to better educate myself on how to pick a phono cartridge. There are many to choose from but I don't know which "type(s)" (i.e., output, etc.) will work well with my setup. Not considering price or characteristics at this point, but simply compatibility . Once I know that I can research options to make a selection. Looking through some past forums I see this can get complicated, so I'll provide some info on my setup:

Conrad Johnson EF-1 Phono Stage
    Gain: 40, 46, 52 db
    Phono Overload: 70 mV (40 db gain setting)
    Hum and Noise: 88 db below 10mV input

Conrad Johnson Premier 16LS Pre Amp
    Gain: 25 db
    Maximum input: 15 vrms
    Output impedance: under 700 ohms
    Hum and noise: 96 db below 1.0 mV

Conrad Johnson Premier 12 mono block Amps
    140 watts per channel
    Input Sensitivity: 0.90 volts to full power
    Input Impedance: 100k ohms

    Cartridge weight range: 5 - 16 grams
    Weight: 700 grams

And my leading cartridge candidate is the Benz Micro Wood (available in low, medium, and high versions), specs as follows:
    Output voltage: 0.4 (Low) 0.8 (Medium) 2.5 (High)
    Internal ohms: 12 (Low) 24 (Medium) 90 (High)
    Loading Range: >100 (Low) >1000 (Medium) 47k (High) 
    Weight: 9 grams
    Compliance: 15 (Low) 14 (Medium) 14 (High)
    Tracking 1.6 - 1.9 grams

The high output has been suggested. 

However, what cartridge specs should I be looking at for compatibility sake with my equipment and why? I have no idea!!!!   

Thank you to anyone who's willing to take the time to read and respond to a posting like this! :-)


Great thread and info guys. Al could you expand on this item a little further with another example or two? Maybe a good and bad senario?

"4)The relation between cartridge output and phono stage signal-to-noise ratio is what primarily determines the amount of hiss that will be present when playing a record. Adding gain further downstream will not improve that; it will just result in using the volume control at lower settings."
Robd2, an example of what is likely to be a good scenario would be the combination of a 0.5 mv cartridge with a 60 db phono stage and a 10 db line stage. Those numbers are fairly typical for a system utilizing an LOMC cartridge, and the 60 db phono stage gain can be taken as an indication that the designer intended it for use with such a cartridge. Also, the 70 db total gain that is provided by those components (when the volume control on the line stage is turned all the way up) would boost the 0.5 mv output provided by the cartridge under the standard test conditions (which correspond to a volume that is quite loud but not as loud as the dynamic peaks of some recordings) to about 1.5 volts, which is right in the ballpark of the voltage that is required to drive most power amplifiers to max power.

An example of what is likely to be a bad scenario is the one discussed earlier, involving use of a 0.4 mv cartridge in conjunction with a 52 db phono stage and a 25 db line stage. Even though the total of those gains is more than adequate for use with a 0.4 mv cartridge, the four factors I cited suggest that noise performance is likely to be inadequate.

The reason for my repeated use of the word "likely" is that different phono stages having the same gain can have considerably different levels of internally generated noise. And manufacturer specs on signal-to-noise ratios, when and if provided, should be taken with multiple grains of salt because the input or output signal levels they are based on are often not specified, and the "weighting" they may be based on (such as A-weighting) is also often not specified. If Stereophile has reviewed a particular phono stage, though, John Atkinson’s measurements and his associated commentary about noise performance can often be helpful.

-- Al

Dear @rbschauman : Your phono stage is a solid state design a FET design with enough gain for almost any LOMC cartridge.
Been a solid state unit is " weird " its noise level spec, maybe a " finger error by CJ " . Something is not exactly clear/precise down there.

Anyway the Benz low output will works wonderful in your C&J combination.

Your SME 4 is a very good match for it too and the only advise to you is to add the damping SME mechanism for that IV model.

No, you don't need the Benz high output version. As a fact as higher the MC cartridge output as more degradation exist in the cartridge generated signal. This means that the 0.4mv is way superior to the high output version.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Interesting system.. I use CJ Premier units in two systems - a 15 phono in a heritage system and a 14 and 11a in my main system.

With the 15 I run a Lyra Clavis low output cartridge. The 15 has lower gain than the Vendetta I use in the main system, but it still has enough gain for a low output (0.25 mv), particularly as that is my acoustic music system with inefficient (Martin Logan CLS) speakers.

I see no reason why you can't run a medium or even a low if the output cartridge.  The solid state phone stage you use has higher gain than my tube one does.
I don't think 0.4mV is all that low to begin with. It's the same output as a Denon DL-301 and people hook them up to all sorts of phono stages with impunity.

Why let your phono stage hamstring your cartridge choice? Get something like a Musical Surroundings Phonomena which has gain settings up to 60 dB and use any cartridge you want. I got a used Phonomena II (there is a newer version, the II+ available) for less than $300. That won't bite into your cartridge budget too much. Or as was suggested a step up transformer (look at Rothwell for information). SUTs have enthusiastic fans, as well as an equally vocal opposition. I've never heard one, so I feel very strongly both ways.  ;^)

You could always buy the Benz low and if you don't like the sound you've got those two options to turn to. You might even ask to audition the Benz low with several phono stage candidates at the dealer.
