Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
@hifiman5 My apologies, it was post by other audiogoner prior to yours. My mistake, in my mind they kind of lump together.
As of system - our experiences often developed over time. My current system hardly resembles what I had 5 years ago, in fact all components are different. Now it is Pass Labs 30.5 amp - but before it was W4S, before that was Krell, before that was Conrad Johnson. And it is just amps. How current system can help anyone to understand my experiments 10 years ago is beyond me. Outside of course "mine is bigger" (or more precise, or more analog, or more sensitive, or more musical -take your pick)).

@mikhaelkuz   This true story may help explain why I feel the way I do about seeing systems and their listening space.

I have a new audiophile friend who had me over to hear his system. As soon as we walked into his listening space I knew I was in for an interesting, new experience.  His listening space is enormous!  The room has a peaked two story ceiling.

Well...I listened, enjoyed and even learned of some music I had not previously been exposed to.  Nice evening.

When I got home and my wife inquired about my experience. I told her of the space and the system and how much I had enjoyed hearing a system so different from my own.I told her if there was one thing he might do to improve his system, it would be to go with larger speakers in the manufacturer's line as I heard some hints of compression on loud sections of a particular song.

I quickly went down to my small/medium sized basement listening room to listen to some of the same music on my rig.  Sounded good, but different.  Our rooms and systems to accommodate to them are so different.

A few months later, after he had visited here to hear my system I returned to hear his again.  As soon as we got into the room he said, "so can you tell what's different".  Any guesses?  He had gone up two sizes in loudspeaker and now had a system that could fill his enormous space with music.  It was only after he revealed the change that I told him what I mentioned to my wife after my first encounter with his system.

The point?  I will never have a system as "grand" as his.  It would not be appropriate to my space.  In fact, I don't think his speakers would even fit in my room.  As informed audiophiles we have both developed, over time, systems that conform to our tastes, space and yes, budget.  I enjoy listening to his and he seems to appreciate listening to my system.  No envy on my part or his I suspect.  We both have what we need for our specific spaces and tastes.  

We both have perspective!

I upgraded the stock power cords to some decent AudioQuest on my bryston amp and preamp and I did notice a difference, the background became quieter and some subtle nuances became more apparent, also there seemed to be less compression and more Dynamics. But hey what do I know! I also noticed a difference going from super cheap Home Depot speaker wire to type 4 as well as when the 20 year old RadioShack interconnects were changed to some mid range AudioQuest interconnects, like everyone else who has tried one said, try it for yourself and see what you think, leave all the rocket science quantum physics blah blah blah to NASA
Good for you mtimm1!  You took some sensible yet modest steps with all of your cables and let your ears tell the tale. It's unfortunate there are numerous A'goners who will tell you your ears can't be right because you have no measurements or engineering rationale to explain what your ears are telling you.

As far as you as a listener goes, all that stuff really is "blah blah blah"!😉