Dynaudio vs Harbeth vs ProAc

To quote U2 I still haven’t found what I’m looking for...
Special 40 vs Compact 7ESIII vs Response D2...Considered Ref.3A De Capo BE's but recently heard a BE tweeter and prefer silk and the finish is not what I want...Borderline small/medium size room,well treated and being driven by tubes...Musical taste all over the map with normal listening levels including an occasional ear clearing session...Value decent imaging and staging with an organic tone that allows you to feel the wood of a cello or violin,the stretch and leading edge thump of well recorded drum skins...Not a bass head but need a bit more than current Excite X14’s offer...
I'm another vote for Proac. I have a pair of the Response 2.5s and there are still very few speakers I would buy to replace my 20 year old pair.  Match them up with some Audio Research gear and you have a match made in heaven.
What tube amp do you have?  Not sure how tube friendly any of these are, but I'm another vote for ProAc.  They image great and just sound very natural.  Another excellent option is the Joseph Audio Prism, and there's a pair for sale here now.  Best of luck. 

For years I drove Response 2.5s with a 14W Cary Class A SET 300B amp, and never lacked for power.  Don't know if the later generations are equally forgiving.

Interesting to read all the positive comments about Proac. I have 20 plus year old mint condition Response 3.5s with Audio Research electronics. I’ve been shopping for new speakers and have heard the Paradigm Persona 3 and 5, KEF Reference 3, Wilson Sabrina, latest Proac floor standers and others. So far I’m liking the KEFs. Still planning to hear the Ryan Tempus 3 and possibly the new Magico A3 if available soon. All the positive Proac comments make me wonder if I’ll regret selling my Response 3.5s and spending the extra money for the KEFs (or the others). Any thoughts?
@fast Hard to say, but as I was changing speakers around I owned quite a few different brands including Joseph and Harbeth, but ended up back with the ProAc D-40r. The new ribbon tweeters are so well integrated and natural sounding it is tough to beat, especially if you are used to the ProAc Sound