What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

For me, it’s only my turntable, an LP 12, though I did have a Kore installed in 2015 so it’s not quite what it was 10 years back. 
Krell KSA 100 / Krell KRC 3 / JBL 200 A's have changed out Pioneer reel to reel, dac's and CD players. Speakers 40 years, Amps 20+. Still Rocking!
Sunfire 300x2 (fully restored).  Still looking for something under $3000 that's better.  Haven't found it but I'll keep looking.
Almost everything.  Rega P2. Creek OBH-8 phono stage. Odyssey Tempest pre- and Stratos Plus amp. Ah Tjoeb CD player. Symphonic Line Legato speakers. All purchased new around 17 years ago and working great. Also pair of Rogers LS3-5A I bought in '77. And an Audionics amp from 1980. Mostly on the side lines but sound great when I bring them out.
CRAP.... NOTHING.  Does that mean I have a problem?  Ha ha ha!  Sold all of my Emotiva Amps and have been playing around with other stuff.  Now have a Parasound Halo A21 and JC2 preamp but an Adcom 575 SE is coming soon to try out.  Lots of Wharfedale high end speakers around too.  Yamaha SACD player is my favorite.  Nothing from ten years ago.  Sold my Klipsch speakers and Yamaha Receivers.