Analogue-free system

I have had a TT since 1971, starting with a $99 AR table, then progressed to a couple of Thorens tables and then a SOTA Sapphire in 1984.  It was later upgraded to the vacuum platter.  With a SAEC 407 arm and Dynavector 20x2 HOMC, the sound for years was much better than any digital source I had. 
However, with the acquisition of an upgraded Oppo 103D a few years ago, less and less was I able to discern a superior sound with the TT.  Now, with the introduction of Tidal and Spotify, I find myself listening mostly to streaming music, as well as from jazz stations like KNKX and KCSM.  And of course my large CD collection.

It was the end of an era when the buyer picked up the SOTA rig this week, which has left me with a lot of fond memories of the decades I spent with the very fine analogue set up. I am perplexed that there is still so much interest in TT, but am aware that using a TT provides a more participatory audio experience than simply streaming music or storing all your music on music server.  Cheers, Whitestix
Your 5th paragraph describes endless hassles that I will never face again. No more oppty's for my cat to jump on my TT and break a $1K stylus,  etc.  I think the next quantum leap in sources will be the decision to "rent" music, i.e. Spotify/Tidal vs. buying CDs.  
Some folks seem to forget that we call this a "hobby" and the means is not always towards an end. My other hobby is collecting and repairing vintage fountain pens.The act of writing can be more easily accomplished using a Bic ballpoint pen but where is the joy in that. Not everything has to be logical...
You are exactly right about this being a hobby for some.  For others, the gear is only a means with which to enjoy the music and having to fool around with TT "care and feeding" detracts from the enjoyment of the musical listening experience.  In fact, the gear can indeed be a "means to the end."    

I have to say that I own and use a variety of ways to enjoy music playback.
Music vault containing ripped CD,s
Tidal streaming.

Do they all have different flavours?
Sure they do.
Will I sit here and say categoricaly that one source is superior to another?
Hell no!
Sometimes I am on a vinyl binge and do not mind getting up every 20 minutes or so, I do find I tend to "listen" to the music more deeply this way.
Other days I am pure lazy and hit go on a Tidal playlist and just drift away and tend to not get as deep into it .
Cassettes and CD are sort of a half way house with longer in between attentions needed.

But atm I love them all!