Is it possible to have a quiet vinyl records

Hi, I am new to vinyl. I own VPI prime and ortofon quintet black cartridge. For the record cleaning I use record doctor V, brushes and proper sleeves. As much as I am impressed with the sound quality, I am also very disappointed that many records sound bad with very laud background noise. I read some reviews which point out that some turn tables with some cartridges are super quiet, but does it only happen with the best pressed records and most others will still make lots of pops and background noise. It there a a good method to truly enjoy quiet vinyl music or its something I have to get used to. Thank you.
Certain cartridge and phono stage combinations tend to exacerbate the problem- I don’t know the Ortofon, so others will have to weigh in- I have the Allnic 3000 which I’ve been using for about 5 years and have run Lyras and then Airtight cartridges. No clicks and pops (unless the record is damaged- i buy and play mostly older copies). A good cleaning regime can take care of a lot of the snap ,crackle and pop, so long as it isn’t damage to the vinyl. So, perhaps there is something you can improve in your cleaning methods- I have found a rinse step to be essential, others may not.
PS: cartridge set up is also critical. Can’t help you there, no experience with VPI arms. But you might go back through your set up procedure step by step and see if that helps.
Several things contribute. Verify that your cart. is properly aligned. 

Honestly, cleaning records (HUNT brush or something similar) EVERY time you play helps much. I also do an occaisional wet cleaning and vacuum.

One product I have used with much success is Groove Washer for periodic wet cleaning.

When I hit one of those frustrating listening sessions, it usually turns out that the stylus needs cleaning.

Happy listening.
After many years, I built my own Ultrasonic record cleaning machine. My vinyl has never sounded as good as now. Records I thought were unplayable now can be played and enjoyed. There is still the occasional click or pop, but not near to the extent as before the Ultrasonic.

The parts were only $200, including the Ultrasonic bath. The parts list and build info can be found at DIY Audio, design given by BBtx.

If you're serious about vinyl, I urge you to get, or build an Ultrasonic RCM.
