You cable haters please DO this.

Yo, haters, can you please do this..??

First, you need to go find some old useless stuff, you have tossed some where in..basement or attic or closet.

-- Those interconnect that came with cheap DVD player or CD player or know what I      mean. Those plastic red and white ones.

-- Find some few cheapest and thinnest power cords.

-- Lamp cord to use it as speaker cable.

Now, replace all of your systems cables and cord with above and listen for ONE WEEK.

After one week is where you need to have a good friend with some good quality ICs and power and speaker cables. Or if you have a friend you want to shut him or her up......go over with your cables.

-- Hook up the good cables.

You see, I always thought and still think cables are important part of links of chain. My ears included. For fun, last Friday I did what I outlined above. If, changing one ICs...PC...or speaker cables at a time doesn't change the sonic then it shouldn't change at all when changing out ALL the cables at once right? Or am I right?  Anyway my system is

VPI Classic 1 with Lyra Dleos
Zesto Andros 1.2
Sony XA5400es
Bryston BDA 3
Bluesound node2
Custom tube pre amp
Custom el34 tube mono power amp
Morrow MA3 and PH3 ICs
Clear Day double shotgun speaker cable
Signal Cables Power cable
Equi=Tech 1.5Q

Oh, I did not use equi= tech with cheap cables. I just used dollar store power bar. I mean, it shouldn't make any difference right? Power is POWER. did it go? I let the system sing everyday for a least 4 hours. All day when I was home. I wanted to run this for whole week and I did it and I'm glad it's over. Here is what I find.

In one word to describe system with cheap cables is Muddy. Just muddy from day one until last night. I Don't want to go into details of sonic. Just muddy. Once I changed back to good stuff.... Eargasm. Better than pissing. And they say good pissing is better know

My money was not wasted on cables. My cables are all so call budget cables and money well spend. I did it for fun and because I forgot how I started out in this hobby. Anyway, people who keep saying cables Don't do shi* should try this.

And you have to have a lots of patience. I wanted to stop just after few minutes..Lol. I was hoping for sound to improve after day or two but never did.

Now I know.
I do not think anyone who visits this website uses the free plastic cables that come with a tv or cheap Bluray player . You tortured yourself for what reason ?
Sounds like you need a job. Can you swing a hammer? I’m looking for another carpenter who can still hear. 
I got a hammer. Are you deaf mickeyb ? j.k 

Hey should ask that Q to non believer. Do you believe in cable maple? Hahaha. Torture, it was not, but just for shi*s and giggle. Please don’t take it seriously people.I had my mind set on doing it for a week before I started and I just did what I said I was going to do. Music was just playing in the basement and I give a listen here and there for minutes or two at a time to see if sound improves or not. So , no I didn’t sat there for hours. Why would I ? 
I don’t think most audiophiles will argue much about the value of decent cables. You can preach to the nay sayers all you want, it’s wasted breath. I have played with cables a lot the past while and am convinced but still can’t support paying the stupid money some manufacturers are asking. I have some equipment at work that runs off of 480v 60 amps. The power cord is 200 ft long and when coiled can’t be carried. People are stealing them for the copper value and a 1m power cord for my home stereo amp costs more? Come on boys give your toque a spin.
Opps!, I 'm a cable hater.

Opps!, I had a Super Bowl party last night.

Opps!, a friend of mine brought over his Synergistic Research active interconnects and speaker cables.

Opps!, bastardo is going to cost me a lot of money. EVERYTHING was better. 

Opps!, my bank account is going to suffer.

I am no longer a cable hater.