Record’s physical design properties

Can someone describe or point me to a document that describes the physical properties of records in terms of the shape of the grooves and how the shape, weight, or the overall design of a cartridge affects the sound and in particular the bass and treble response. Visually speaking, in some songs the grooves are tighter and deeper and in others they are further apart and appear shallower and these differences definitely sound different. Just very curious.
 Thanks in advance.

Hi, kalali,

Here are two web pages that include "Personal Notes on Record Specifications". (I’m not exactly sure who the author is.)

The pages are somewhat difficult to read through but contain a lot of information and history. You won’t find all the answers to your questions but it’s a good reference.

There's also this web site:



kalali, here's another web page: "The Genesis Of Vinyl Stereo Record". English version is along left side of page.


Thank you all. What piqued my curiosity was I noticed by accident that I could tweak the sound by changing the counterweight - more weight on the cartridge. Not saying dramatic difference but the bass in particular was noticeable. It made me think that the shape of the grooves and the depth that the needle travels through them affects the frequency response.