Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp?

I recently was told by another member about Linear Tube Audio as they are using David Berning's designs (approved by David) and are made in the USA.  The Micro ZOTL 2.0 pre has just received great reviews and they also offer the ZOTL 40 and ZOTL 10 amps.  I would really like to get some feedback from someone that owns the pre and one of the amps.  Thanks!
Awesome review!  Agree with every word. 
The records of Cecile McLorin Salvant have been in my Music Direct wish list for a while. The redbook of Woman Child blew my crazy audiophile friend away with the MZ2/Z10. Wait until he hears it on vinyl. 
Heard the LTA with Rethm loudspeakers at the NYC audio show this past autumn.

They sounded marvelous, and easily ranked as the best I heard in an otherwise extremely poor show
I want to get to RMAF or CAF this year. Since I already have an LTA system, guess RMAF would be fine since all I’ll be buying is music :). Still would like to meet the LTA folks at CAF and tell them thank you personally. 
I was set on a Naim Nait 2 and was comparing some Proac Tablette 10s to my old Harbeth P3esr speakers. For grins, hooked up the ZOTL 10 to my Sennheiser’s  HDV 820 pre outs with the P3s playing. Wow!  Doesn’t go loud but I sit nearfield. Still curious about a Pass Labs XA-25 and the HPA-1 but this simple setup sounds incredible. It was like going from hi end to something world class.