Belles Virtuoso or PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP

Hello and good day all. First time post here. I’m in the market for a new integrated. My source is a Oppo UDP 205, speakers are from a company called Funk ( 6.1P). I’m torn between trying tubes for the first time, or sticking to SS. I’ve read good reviews about both companies, I’m just having trouble making up my mind. Any suggestions?
@kclone what I’ve been told, they are shooting for late March. But, then he also told me it’s ‘TBA’....
I have a PL Dialogue Premium Integrated and i absolutely love it.  The imaging is amazing.   Soundstage is surreal.  The only thing that it is missing is a real thump to the bass.  I did upgrade with KT-120 tubes which was a good improvement but not quite SS on the bass.  I have had Threshold, Aragon, Emerald Physics among others. None could compare to the PL in creating an emotional involvement with the music.  
+1  PL Dialogue Premium HP Int. Called Upscale considering separates and Kevin talked me into the Integrated. For the price difference vs SQ difference a much better value. A little tube rolling (KT 150 /Mullard CV 4003) and I doubt anyone would be disappointed.
BTW, OEM Wheels: I also have a ModWright Oppo The tube mod Oppo plus the PL Dialogue was too tubey in my setup. Might depend on your speakers though. I also have the Oppo hooked to SSP 800 and, unless your mod is different, I think you maybe misunderstand the configuration. The tube mod only affects the stereo analog outputs (both balanced and single ended), not the 7.1 outputs. True, you can bypass the tube mod, but by using the digital coaxial output, not the single ended outputs.
Upscale will sometimes have an open box PL Integrated. Worth asking.
Maybe worth knowing: Not all auto bias are the same.
I made the dive into tubes with the PL Dialogue Premium HP integrated maybe 18 months ago. Here’s what happened-

I began listening more and more. I had to start scheduling date nights with my system. I played the thing for six months with bliss. Then I started tube rolling. I learned soooo much doing that and enjoying nearly every minute.

While i I could live with a stock unit and be forever happy, I really like being able to tweak the sound to my liking in my system. Not only do tubes draw me in more, but adjusting the sound to my specific taste and system is more fun and with better results than “equipment rolling”.

So much of this is subjective, but I’d bet PL owners have high levels of satisfaction, and have low levels of buyer’s remorse. If you’re leaning towards tubes I think you don’t have much to worry about. The product is well built, reliable, sounds glorious and adds fun through rolling abilities.

PL’s customer service is first rate too.