Diana Krall

I was in Fort Lauderdale last Thursday and saw/heard Diana Krall.  Second time, first was in Wilkes Barre PA after Wallflower cd, this one after her recent one.  Two quite different concerts, both outstanding.  This one was "jazzy", an upright bass, a drummer, guitarist, fiddle/violinist (and a pianist/vocalist).  5 great musicians on the stage, and a wonderful singer.  She is wonderful live.  Highly recommended, as equipment reviewers often say.  Worth the price of admission.  
rpeluso OP
...Still I marvel that this post, initiated by me, was about a pleasant experience at a live concert event. Nothing more than that. BUT, I continue to be fascinated by the drive/urge/compulsion of some to crap all over others. And at times quite depressed by that same behavior.

I truly don’t get why you have a need for everyone to support you. A forum doesn’t work well if it’s just an echo chamber. If I had posted "I went to a Slayer concert" I would fully expect to have my musical choice lambasted on this forum and would not have a problem with that, as everyone has a subjective opinion about music. If you only want one-way discussion, maybe next time you should title your subject "xxx (no dissenters)". I read your thread because the audiophile obsession with Diana Krall (and others) fascinates me, as I don’t see a stand-out talent. I’m interested in what it is about her, besides the recording quality, that draws them in. I’m always hoping a dissenter will point out a quality recording of what I consider good female vocals.

I’m glad you had a wonderful time.
jssmith, thanks for your thoughts; I don't have a need to be supported in my view, but am surprised, still, that my...oh never mind, you're right.  My point was about a live show, not a recording.  An experience at a live music event.  I would have expected others who saw her live to agree or disagree, not a discussion about the value or lack of value of her artistry.  Its how way off track a discussion about a live performance went that surprises me, but I seem to be the minority there, so okay.  I also am disturbed by the nastiness that gets spread around, not only here, but all over.  You may like Slayer, I may not, but I wouldn't even think about replying to your post (if it had happened) with a negative view of that band.  Just wouldn't.  Its not the disagreeing that bothered me, its the fact that it was not the point.  Sorry.
jssmith, might I suggest a disc by Anne Murray called Croonin'?  From 1993.  As an example of a quality recording of what I consider good female vocals, you might too?  
@whitestix  Thanks for mentioning Karen Souza.  I looked her up on Amazon, listened to several samples and ordered her 3 CD "The Collection" for $12 and change!  What a deal!!  She has a unique sound.  Everything I heard had a very bluesy vibe to it.  She purposely sings just off the note and then slides up to the note.  Sort of a vocal approach to what Gershwin was well known for doing instrumentally.  She takes a very unique approach to well known songs from various artists.  Should be a fun music adventure.
Nothing negative here!  On my way to see her tonight (Raleigh/Durham) for the 4th time.  Interesting to hear that theres more players.  The earlier shows I saw were small arrangements like Trio.  As for stage presence I obviously like her shows.  I do remember my first one at Radio City Music Hall shortly after she was becoming a little more well known.  I bet she didn't say 3 sentences all night.  Played awesome show and got up and left.  She didn't have to say anything cause the nailed it in playing.  I couldn't be happier.  She talks a little more these days and tells stories.  As for recordings I have them all including the Christmas album.  Yeah I'm a fan!