Getting into tubes

I'm thinking about getting my first tube integrated amp and been reading all I can about them. I've narrowed my list of manufacturers down to four: Raven Audio (Blackhawk/Osprey), Primaluna (Dialogue Premium), Ars Sonum Filarmonia and Decware (Zen Mystery Amp). All have their pros and cons. First, a bit about my system:

Merlin TSM Black Magic Edition
Sunfire True Sub Mk2 (and oldie but still runs well)
MSB Analog Dac 
Macbook Air streaming Tidal through Audirvana
Spectral SDR-3000SL running into the MSB

Room is small, about 10 X 11. I listen to jazz ( mostly trio's and female vocals) and some classic rock. 

My laundry list for what I'm looking for in a tube amp is as follows:

1. Obviously they have to sound great. From what I've been reading, seems like all these amps all sound fantastic to various individuals that have used them. 
2. Ease of use: self biasing tubes. Don't want the fuss of having to bias the tubes myself. I know that with the Decware ZMA, you have to bias yourself but it appears to be a simple process.
3. Overall build of the unit. Each of the manufacturers all look to have excellent build qualities. I've seen pictures of the insides of all units. Looks like the Primaluna is built like a beast on the inside. Also the ZMA is all point to point, no circuit boards of any type. That's a big plus.
4. Remote control: now this is a semi big one for me. I do a lot of late night listening and am constantly changing the volume. Raven Audio and Primaluna checks this box off but the Filharmonia and ZMA doesn't. However I have a DAC (MSB Analog) that has a volume control built in that I believe may work?
5. Subwoofer output. It would be nice to have a dedicated sub out for ease of connecting the sub. I know that there is the option to connect the sub through the speaker level inputs, but I have read its difficult to do that with the Filarmonia and ZMA if the spades are too thick. 
6. Reliability and after care service.

For those that have experience with any of these amps, any advice would be greatly appreciated! I've been going back and forth trying to decide. Thanks!
Hi, My name is Mike and I’m a Tube Addict ! It started with a little Dynaco when I was 14. I tried to stop , but I couldn’t . I went to SS rehab for about 15 years , but I relapsed. Now I’m 60 years old and I hide tubes from my wife . Some days I go to town and hold a sign on the street corner . It says “ Hungry , will work for Telefunken “. When I’m depressed I use Bugle Boy, when I’m manic , I fix with Mullard . I traded my dog for NOS power tubes . When I have trouble sleeping , I count Vinyl . But seriously , jump in with both feet and enjoy . And don’t be afraid of that little bias adjustment , It doesnt hurt . And when I was a child , I was the remote 😝. Enjoy your journey, You will be rewarded. Cheers , Mike B. 
Sorry to hear you fell off the wagon after all these years. You best find a tubes anonymous meeting and get back on the track. It’s a tough haul but you can do it. 
One day at a time!
I've owned TSM and VSM, and the speakers can sound lean with some amplification and cabling.  In my experience, Merlins sound best with something more lush to present themselves best.

As pryso mentioned, Joule Electra often mated with Merlin, and the result sounded excellent.  As they have ceased operation, and have always needed a lot of maintenance, I think it's best to go in another direction.  Bobby imported the Ars Sonum Filarmonia integrated from Spain, and they really make a great combination, as well.  From what I understand, Rick Brkich of Signature Sound has taken on that responsibility, and I believe you will find yourself in excellent hands there.  As the amplifier is based on the Dynaco ST70, that's something else to consider.  Jadis also works splendidly.  Though I haven't heard the combination, I think a Cary would also work very well.  For cabling, the warmth that many Cardas and JPS cables possess has also always gotten a lot of recommendations
jzmm88, I’ve owned Joule-Electra as well as several other major brand tubed components over the years. It was not my experience that Joules required more maintenance than the others. I didn’t suggest them because you specified interest in an integrated and while Joule may have offered an integrated (Stargate?) I had no familiarity with that.

But the mention of Rich at Signature Sound is a sound (!) one. He was a dealer for both Merlin and J-E and knows both products as well if not better than anyone today. Plus he is a good guy. Contacting him should be well worthwhile.
Hmmm. First of all I wouldn’t worry about biasing or remotes. If you’re going down this rabbit hole many meaningful options will include neither. Most of the suggestions here are good, but you will want to audition them. Many of the options mentioned are from firms that are out of business, so you can buy them cheap and likely resell them for what you paid for them. You will find something used in the $2k - $3k range that will complement your Merlins. Pay more and it will sound better, but you won’t get your money’s worth with the Merlins. The Ars Sonum Filarmonium (I have not heard it but I built and modified several ST-70s back in the day), would be a contender for me. I would also look at Rogue, Cary, Line Magnetic (along with the ones you narrowed down). Bottom line - you can’t tell unless you hear them in your system (or at least with your speakers).

That said, I would consider solid state amplification. You can get a lot more oomph to drive your speakers for less money than you would spend on tube amplification (and with a lot less bother). At the under $10k price range, I’ll bet SS sounds better too. Check out the Odyssey Cyclops. If you really need a tube to fiddle with, look at the Rogue Sphinx. You could burn your CDs, ditch the transport (nice piece of kit, but unnecessary today), and have several thousand dollars left over to buy music!