What sub under a grand?

Looking to replace my rel t1 which is having problems. My current setup is Parasound a21 amp and the Parasound p5 pre amp,Marantz sr 5007 avr and the Marantz sa8001 sacd. Main speakers Vienna Acoustics Mozart grand. 70% is for music and 30% movies, gaming and tv.
Thanks for the input but the psa sub is on it's way. I think this sub will give thunderous bass with good control and punch for music! and it's getting excellent reviews. one of the guys who started psa was the v in svs subs,and is a guru of sub tech.I got the the psa for 750 shipped, I don't think I can touch a sub of this quality brand new, used maybe but not new. 1 inch mdf instead of 3/4 550 watts 15 inch driver = 72lbs of BOOM!!
I depends were you will use it for. For music I would never choose for a bass reflsex subwoofer. Speed is the most important parts. This most common mistake I see at clients is that they buy a big subwoofer. It is not about the size and freq. respons. The best subwoofers are always those who have the best response. A better timing gives you a superior level in integration. Audio is al about looking further!
Well the one thing iv'e learned about this hobby is no matter what you buy you're wrong in someone's eye's. this sub will be part of a ht setup as well, and what iv'e found is the small fast subs cannot handle the low freq of movies or gaming threw the ps4 without breaking up and rattling.when I game or watch movies i want the bass to be thunderous,when i listen to the red hot chili peppers i want fleas bass to thump my chest, the smaller subs don't that. i will always go for the v8 over the 4 cylinder.
It depends were you use it for, but these sub's are not that fast. I demo and compare subwoofers for timing and integration. On the other hand I want to use them till at least 120 hz. With Audyssey you can easily get a very good level of integration with a subwoofer. Above 80hz low freq. become physical. Beside this you get a more deep stage as well. In the pastI sold many rel subwoofers. We never went further than 70hz. These days some subwoofers use material and magnets so you can use them easily till 120hz or even higher. In all my tests this makes a big positive difference.
Well all I can say my rel t1 is a pooch! I have it set so low in order to avoid an extreme rattle a may as well not have it on, in fact i just turn it off while playing call of duty, watching movies and even with tv. so what good is this fast sub? with music it's ok, and that's all it is. i think the psa will be fine, if not i have a 30 day in home trial shipping free both way's. so what's to lose? do I think there are better subs? of course! am I going to pay 1500 +? nope! and this this t1 would fall apart at 120hz.