Low-heat-output amp for Devore O/96

My Shindo amp/preamp combo sounds fantastic with these speakers, but during the sticky summer months here in N.C., my listening room gets uncomfortably warm, even with the central AC on. I've considered something like a First Watt JC2, but my understanding is these also put out lots of heat due to Class A operation. Any suggestions for a cool-running solid state amp that would sound good with the Devores?
Forgive me for saying so, but if you have O/96's and you fall asleep, you have bigger problems than too much heat. I have O/93's and they are so engaging, even at low volume, that I never nod off. I know that syndrome, I am no stranger to it. I used to fall asleep all the time while trying to listen to music. I had B&W 805 Matrixes and solid state gear and less than great cabling back then. Now with an ARC Ref 6, ARC Ref 150se, Cardas Clear Beyond, and the DeVore's, it would take three glasses of wine and an Ambien (figuratively, I think that might be fatal in reality) for me to fall asleep. The DeVores need and deserve a great preamp and great cabling to bring them up to their true potential. So to your rather unique question, I have a smallish room, a big-ass amp, and I never get warm in the room. Are you perhaps blaming heat on your somnambulates?
Roberjerman I have considered the Rogue Sphinx, but with the logistics of my setup, I need a separate preamp to be able to connect all my components, the amp has to be closer to the speakers. I'll figure it out.
I would consider the Linear Tube Audio Zotl10MkII which were paired with the Devore O93 speakers at RMAF.  I don't believe the four EL84s would produce excessive heat...
Elizabeth good to see you posting again. Another vote for the Linear Tube Audio zolt10mkll.
Large amplifiers may seem to run cooler, only because they have more area to radiate heat.
The one sure way to know how much heat is being dissipated (at least for comparisons) s the wattage dissipated at idle.
Almost all of the energy at idle is being wasted as heat.
Most SS amps after idle level at reasonably efficient.
Class A and partial Class A are wasting more energy since the idle is at the full level rated at class A watts, even at idle.

Anyway, the idle wattage rating is what to look at.

The  Linear Tube Audio Zotl 10MkII I cannot find any rating for idle wattage on the home page of the company, nor at any review.
I guess tube amp owners do not want to know!