The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...

I’d like to hear from the people that have had both. Why tube? Why SS? What are the ups and downs of both? How does owning one or both differ? I’ve always owned SS, but also lusted after tubes....
Tubes sound better. They can be slightly more upkeep than SS but not by much at least not to me. My amp and preamp sound great and have been totally reliable for over 10 years with minimal hassle other than replacing tubes. I specifically chose an amp that uses EL34's as those are relatively cheap and thus my tube costs are not high either. That is my experience as with all things YMMV.
Agree strongly that tubes sound better.  I've been in this hobby 30+ years and have had many different set ups but when I have tube gear, I tend to keep it much longer than when I have SS.  When I have SS, I'm never really satisifed as I am when I have tubes.

There are lots of different ways to go with tube gear, each tube type has it's own signature and each brand of tube differs as well, so there are lots of nuances.  Also whether it's push pull, single ended triode, single ended pentode, push pull triode, or OTL, you will find differences sonically between all of those as well.  Solid state amps with tube preamps are also another great way to go too......

Single ended is like having a really great tasting grapefruit, no need to put added sugar on top of it.  Push pull is like adding the extra sugar or stated differently SE is like a beautiful nude woman, nothing better, PP is like the same beautiful woman in a bikini.  I've never heard OTL amps before, so I can't comment on it.  The late Harvey Rosenberg of Moscode fame once wrote in Listener magazine that true 4 pin triode tubes run in PP was better sounding than in single ended triode.  

I've also heard lots of different tube types and to me the low powered triode amps in SET sound best.  It's all dependent on your associated gear and what tube will best match your speakers, room, and listening habits. 

So, Jtweed, what gear do you have now and what are your thoughts regarding trying tubes, how big is your room, what do you listen to and how loud, and what is your budget???  With that information, we can head you in the right direction.
Tubes glow and look way cool.   SS just sits there. 

The best tube and SS setups I've heard  tend to sound more similar than different.