Focal Aria 936 vs 926 bass response

I am looking at a couple of Focal Aria speakers in the same model line, and trying to decide on which will work best in my room. The listening area is 14 x 25 x 8.5, but it opens up into another room of the same size (open concept with a half wall between them). Listening distance is 8-9 feet. I have listened to the 936 and liked it, but am a little concerned that it could be too much bass for my room. Also, I have very limited placement options where these are going. My dealer does not have the 926 in stock so I have not listened to it; I assume it will sound very similar to the 936, but with less bass, so I’m wondering if I can get away with the 926. The 926 is also a little smaller so it has better WAF. There is a return policy at the dealer but ideally I’d like to make the right choice initially.

The frequency response of the speakers is as follows. How much bass will I be missing in practical terms between the two? I know the replies may well be “nobody can tell until you get them into YOUR room” but I thought I’d throw it out for comment anyway.

Focal Aria 936:
Frequency response: (+/- 3dB) 39Hz - 28kHz
Low frequency point: 6 dB 32Hz
Sensitivity: (2.83V / 1m) 92dB
Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms

Focal Aria 926:
Frequency response: (+/- 3dB) 45Hz - 28kHz
Low frequency point: 6 dB 37Hz
Sensitivity: (2.83V / 1m) 91.5dB
Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms
There are purpose built rears in the 900 series made to be hung on walls. I'd suggest those. They're cheaper than 926's. 

As far as amplification, these are unique speakers in that they will reward using the best amplification possible, and I really can't emphasis that enough. I completely believe that these speakers are worthy of the Pass power behind mine. If you like how the Parasound works with them, go for it. 
The walls are to far away so that is not an option (60m2 total room)

So 926 or stands 906 ? advice is welcome

Can you also advice me which module of parasound i should go for ?

Between 926 and 906 for surrounds, I would go with 926.  I use PSB tower speakers for my surrounds and I love the full range sound that I get from them in movies.
thanks very much for your feedback

Still stuck how to drive them for just  for stereo which ampli to choose ... Can you also help me there ? Parasound,cambridge,peachtree,nad, etc All very good but expensive 
Use the Yamaha for now, and get a Peachtree nova 150 or 300 (depending on how loud you listen and how much bass content your average choice of music has) to run the front two in Home Theater Bypass mode.  That way you have a simple two channel dedicated rig (that sounds amazing and has more than enough grunt to power them), as well as an external amp for home theater that will relieve a lot of stress off the Yamaha during movie watching.

If you have a sub or subs, the external amp will likely have no effect during movie watching as long as you have all speakers crossed over to the sub as you should.  Unless you are in a large room and listen painfully loud.