speakers with balls

Hello friends
I live in a modern unit!! of medium size!!
 I/m running a pair of Zu soul's, on some recordings, sound great, other's could be better!!, I'm looking at the below, my amps are "audio labs" mono blocks!! approx 250 WPC
I'm looking for a speaker that "rocks"!!
I have a short list of speakers, that according from web sites, are a good match
1. Magnepan 1.7
2. Magnepan 1.7.i
3. Gallo Acoustics  3.5
These are some speakers, that am willing to consider
 anymore more speakers, that you can recon-end??
I'm happy with my Focals in my medium sized room with my home brew 32 watt amp. They do everything from Dead Can Dance to Dethklok just fine by my tastes. 

I'm curious what the OP doesn't like about the Zu. 
Paradigms, Prestige 95F, or if your budget allows, Persona 5F or even better the 9H.
I run the monitor 11 v7 with an AVM60 preamp and an Anthem P5 amp.
Hi Kosst - what Focals do you have? What are your room dimensions? I was also looking at Focals.  Thanks  
Every one, for you input, i seems, a lot of you like the Klisch, floor standers, I have check out the web, but all info seems to support, that they are more suitable, to home cinema, I'm after stereo two channel music!!
With deep, fast bass with with sweet highs!!
Can we as friends, again, come up to a solution??
I live down the far south coast, of Australia, the nearest hi fi shop is 3 hours drive away, and they have limited audio gear, on the cheaper side!!
1. What Klipsch, floor standing, speakers??, do you reccomend, I wish to place them two feet, in front of the rear wall, max!!
2. I hear that the "golden ear" speakers, are very good??
I must repeat, I don't want a speaker that sounds, like a home cinema, with over boom, just wan't My Turntable, to re a nice deep tight bass, with no overhang, and to tame the high's, with sweet highs, most of my LP's sound great, but some seem to screech, I know there is a middleground
Please help!!
Vandersteen Quatros. I have owned them for years. They "Rock" for me. Can be placed closer to the wall than other Vandys. The tweeter is not "in your face"...never bright. Plenty of bass if its on the recording.