Two Type of sound and listener preference are there more?

In our thirty years of professional audio system design and setup, we keep on running into two distinctly different types of sound and listeners.

Type One: Detail, clarity, soundstage, the high resolution/accuracy camp. People who fall into this camp are trying to reproduce the absolute sound and use live music as their guide.

Type Two: Musicality camp, who favors tone and listenability over the high resolution camp. Dynamics, spl capabilty, soundstaging are less important. The ability for a system to sound real is less important than the overall sound reproduced "sounds good."

Are there more then this as two distincly different camps?

We favor the real is good and not real is not good philosophy.

Some people who talk about Musicaility complain when a sytem sounds bright with bright music.

In our viewpoint if for example you go to a Wedding with a Live band full of brass instruments like horns, trumpts etc it hurts your ears, shouldn’t you want your system to sound like a mirror of what is really there? Isn’t the idea to bring you back to the recording itself?

Please discuss, you can cite examples of products or systems but keep to the topic of sound and nothing else.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
These are all just words. We all have our own ideas of what these words mean. If I say the word house we have different pictures of a house in our minds. If I say the word undistirted we all have a different idea what that means, or the word warm, or the word presence. Or musicality. They are very general even vague terms. Your idea of what great HiFi sound can only be as good as the best system you ever heard. Pop quiz: where does one go to hear a really good system?
This has been a stunning display of transparent nonsense. It boils down to a sales pitch similar to "all the cool kids are smoking lucky strikes, you should too." We have right-brained vs. left-brained and musical vs. amusical. People have to describe sound how he wants it described. good grief.

This is commentary on commentary.

How would you make sense of the different types of listeners? 
To hear a great system, I get off of my computer chair and walk 15 feet to my left. It sounds great.
"I've noticed that small manufacturers are frequently arbitrary and a bit nutty. "

Yup.  Noticed this too.  Similar to obsessives who run smaller high end audio stores.

There was a guy who ran an audio store for a long time near me who had tons of strong opinions on everything, and how so many other audiophiles "just didn't get it" and "don't understand what music really sounds like" etc.  After listening to his strong opinions forever I finally had a chance to hear his own elaborate home set up, which purportedly was the result of all his insight.   It left me cold and unmoved.  But they think they are uncovering some Absolute, Objective Truth about how a system should sound.  It's a blinkered way of thinking.

BTW, I should add some caveats as far as my own thoughts.

I think there is a huge subjective aspect to the hobby as people are chasing different things, have different criteria, and for those chasing "realism" no system regularly produces sound indistinguishable from the real thing.  Hence, like the blind men and the elephant, we grab on to the parts of reality most important to each of us, and try to maximize this in our system.   But I don't think that rules out some objective truths about what people tend to prefer, or that some sound can't be more accurate and real.  Subjective preferences can be studied, and used for predictions, etc.

Secondly, I don't necessarily think the conversations between audiophiles, that remain in the subjective realm, are doomed to talking past one another due to pure subjectivity.  I think someone with good ears, experience with sound, and an ability to put into words what they are hearing, can have some hope of describing the characteristic of a certain hi fi system or speaker, with some accuracy.  I have found some reviewers are very good at this, insofar as when I hear the speaker in question it has very much the character the reviewer described (or alternatively, I may hear a speaker first, and then read the review later, and note how the reviewer really nailed the characteristics of the sound in his/her description).

When I was reviewing for a brief while, years ago, it was my mission to attempt this: to describe "what it sounds like to be sitting in front of these speakers" with enough specificity such that someone reading could get an idea of whether it would likely appeal to him or not.  (From reader feedback, it seemed I had some success, and I'm sure many reviewers get this as well).

So, yes it's obvious there is a heavy amount of subjectivity in this hobby.  But I don't think it is entirely insurmountable subjectivity, depending on what one wants to accomplish or establish through careful testing.

So, yes it's obvious there is a heavy amount of subjectivity in this hobby. But I don't think it is entirely insurmountable subjectivity
This ambiguity surrounding what is subjective/objective and how people react to it makes this hobby great for people watching.  There's no getting around the possibility that you are imagining something or that you'll find out that you were wrong about something.  For those of us that are just hobbyists this isn't usually such a big problem.  I think for those in the industry whose livelihood depends on it, it can be a big stressor.

You've got those who try to take advantage of it by selling snake oil.  What we've got here I think is someone who is very personally invested and who just can't handle the ambiguity so he pretends it isn't there.