Gotta love Nelson Pass

SA/4e is nice!!!!


 He is an impressive guy. I love the fact that he routinely shows up at forums and discusses projects and donates designs to DIY'ers.
I am always amused at the wanna be engineers that try to redesign his products with after market products like PC, fuses, and other nonsense. If Pass Labs thought that these “mods” improved the sound of their audio they could incorporate them at a fraction of the “retail” price. But they don’t. I suppose he has to leave something to the bottom feeders.

This needs to be posted up at the voodoo or shillers fuse forum

Cheers George
I've owned Adcom and Forte amps that at least were related to Pass, and have always been impressed by his style and the sharing info thing…cool…I've also noticed few (or any? Paul McGowan maybe, although I'm not sure he puts them in anything) serious amp designers endorsing "magic fuse voodoo," and there's a funny moment in a Youtube interview with Dennis Had (I have one of his Firebottle HO amps) where he laughs off the fuse thing…that interview directly preceded my Had amp purchase. If get tired of my tube "problem" (!) a Pass SA-25 in on my short list.
Youtube interview with Dennis Had (I have one of his Firebottle HO amps) where he laughs off the fuse thing
Like to see this wolf, got a link, might need some backup Ordnance one day.

Cheers George
BIG fan of Nelson here, starting with DIY B1 buffer, as great as people have written about above. Had F4, aleph 30 and now F7, best of the bunch for me so far (xa25 is on my wish list for the future). Had many other amps too but his class A designs combine all the best qualities for an incredibly satisfying listening experience. He is so generous with his time and advice, answering emails and writing on forums, great sense of humor in his writing too (wish I understood it all!) and that never ending curiosity driving him to the next innovation - wonder what the sit-3 will be like.
I have pass gear.  I call them from time to time for some suggestions and he still answers the phone on occasion.  Great guy and very knowledgeable.