6L6 vs EL34

It was pointed out to me the other day that it would be easy to convert my amp, a stereo PP EL34 amp, to run 6L6's. I've never really listened to the 6L6 tube before do any members have any thoughts on 6L6 tubes vs EL34's? I am running the Genalex KT-77 re-issue tubes in my amp and love how it sounds now. Thanks!
I've heard 6L6's are more prone to ringing. I'm not a tube guy and I forget where I heard that. Maybe somebody else has something to say about that. 
Conversion is
changing 1 resistor in the bias circuit, changing screen grid resistors (if applicable), then bias it w a scope.
But you an change from EL34 ,6L6, KT66, 6550,etc. pretty easily.

EL34 being the European hi fi tube, specifically made for music.
6L6 being a home version of military (5881) amplifier tube.

But KT77 is already pretty sweet. I don't think there's going to be a huge change by swapping to EL34.
6L6: that's better for guitar amplifiers. Not really a hi fi tube, but Telefunken is selling them now for broadcast etc.anyway.