Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's

I’m considering upgrading from the Model 1’s to Mani 2’s. I’ve read most of the forums here on A’gon regarding the Mani’s and the one thing that they all pretty much have in common is that you need a lot of power (and current) to drive them. I’m currently running a Plinius 9100 for my Model 1’s which is rated at 120 W per side (around 200 W @ 4ohms). I’m also running the Plinius on 220v which has opened it up considerably and gives the bass a lot more punch (something I know I'll need for the Mani's). My room size is approx. 15 x 22 and my listening position is about 16 feet from the speakers. I normally listen at a moderate volume (10 o’clock is loud for me and 12 o’clock pretty much drives me out of the room). I know the old adage that you can always get a bigger amp, but if I’m going to spend several thousand on a speaker upgrade I’d rather not turn around and spend several thousand more on upgrading the amplifier as well (at least not right away). In addition I'm very pleased with the 9100 and like the Plinius sound very much. So what do you think Mani 2 owners? Am I living in a bubble thinking that the 9100 has the juice or based on my room size and listening habits will the 9100 do the job for me?
Assuming you do not have a very large room and listen at ear-bleed levels the CJ 2500 should drive the Mani’s quite well. As I mentioned before, I had an opportunity to listen to the Mani’s with several different types and power levels of application. I found that 200 watts of a high current SS amp did a very nice job and at least for my tastes was more than enough power. Enjoy the Mani’s and let us know how the CJ 2500 works out.
Hey...I know this a bit late. I have the Mani 2 Signature's, which are extraordinary. I drive them with an AE-3 DJH preamp and a new PS Audio GCA 100. The combination is extraordinay. However, the speakers are very sensitive to the quaility of the tubes. The 6sn7 tubes in the AE-3 are outstanding tubes....I like the Sylvania Bad Boys, Tung Sol Round Plates, and CBS Hytron. Brimar are also good. I sold my RCA Red Base because they sounded flat and uninvolving. The rectifier in the preamp also makes a difference. Use an EZ 81 over an EZ 80. mullard is excellent in this combo, though I am generally not a Mullard guy. the Telefunken EZ 80 is disappointing (Tele did not make an EZ 81). This system is among the best I have heard anywhere. I highly recommend a good tube preamp/solid state amp combo for the Mani 2's. And the Signature's are a surprising and major improvement to the already good Mani 2.
My Mani-2 Sigs arrive this week, and I'm planning on driving them with a pair of Bel Canto ref1000 amps. They should be putting out 1000W at 4ohms, and are stable enough to handle the M2S load at all frequencies.

My Hawks sound AMAZING with the ref1000's, and I can't wait to plug in the Manis.
Ghunter, I’ll be interested in your impressions once you have a chance to listen to the Bel Canto/Mani combo. It seems that the general consensus is still high power solid state amplification for the Mani’s. As I mentioned earlier I’m using the Music Reference RM10 MKII tube amps to drive my Mani’s. And yes, I did buy a second one and now run them in mono block (about 70 wpc). Again for my listening habits (about a 90 - 95db peak is loud for me) the RM10’s do fine. I will say that the extra 3db of head room that I got by adding the 2nd amp does come in handy sometimes, for example this weekend when I was listening to the Pink Floyd Pulse DVD, but I still have a hard time grasping why you need those mega watts. How loud do you guys listen? Anybody else out there using tubes with the Mani’s?

BTW Glukeman, I’m also interested in what improvements you hear with the Mani Signatures. The Mani’s are definitely keepers for me but I’m considering trading in my “originals” for the Signatures.