Anyone listen to the new Audio Horizons VRX preamp?

I haven't read anything about this new preamp but I saw on Audio Horizons' web site that they have introduced a new transformer-coupled preamp, with a completely new circuit design differing from the previous preamp iterations. This new preamp has no capacitors in the signal path and uses two different types of tubes. I was curious if anyone has evaluated this new preamp and compared it to Joseph Chow's previous preamps.  
Yes, I still own his original TP 2.0 preamp, but I have modified it somewhat to make it sound much better.
Hi guys,
Has been a very long time.I sold my TP-20 to a local audio buddy many years ago and he's still happy with it today.It was originally Pats (RX8man)
Will have to look at Joseph's new offering.Be well.
As far as I know, Joseph Chow is a one-man show. His marketing man, Victor Comerchero, passed away back in 2014, so I don't think Joseph has replaced him yet. Joseph told me his primary business lately has been tuner mods and upgrades as well as upgrades on his current preamp models. I haven't spoken to him in a while and was curious how his new transformer-coupled preamp would fare with the competition and his previous cap-coupled models. Maybe we'll see a review soon.
I haven't heard the new AH VRX.   But, I did purchase a pre-owned AH 2.3RSvB.  Wow!   Now, I know why they rarely come up for sale on the used market.  Wide & deep sound stage along with great tone & dynamics.  The whole enchilada.   It's a tube-rollers delight!