Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?

My experience with the Lyra Delos has been good and to put it the best way too revealing?  So far my original vinyl sounds incredible, especially stuff from the Golden age of stereo.  Amazing to say the least.  However, newly remastered stuff sounds extremely overdone and in some cases unlistenable and I am talking about a lot of Classic reissues.  Is this just the way it will be or will this cartridge still relax a little as I only have roughly 50 hours or so on it?
I am finding that there is a learning curve with this table. The VTA increments have thrown me off somewhat. The Delos seems to be very fussy with VTA. Even a minute increase or decrease effects sound a lot. It is sounding pretty good right now. i know, I go back and forth, learning this table and cartridge.
Update.  The Delos is sounding pretty good.  settling down.  I still do not think it should take this long, borderline ridiculous.  One must have a lot of patience for this cartridge unless its just my copy.  not sure most people want shrill for 150 hours from their new cartridge.  It does sound good now but geez.
Final verdict:
I am keeping the Delos.  It sounds incredible all of a sudden.  Wow.  this one took a while but I am happy.  Maybe it was partially the table still breaking in but wow.  sounds incredible.
Dear Tzh21y,
Consider the possibilty that optimal operating conditions suffer from deviation i.e. although many folk are happy to regulate t to 22 degrees C, less attention is paid to humidity. With any cart, the difference between low & high H is like chalk & cheese.
Kind regards,