Golden ear Technology reference

Has anybody heard or does anybody own the Golden Ear Technology Reference speaker that retails for $8500.00
per pair?  Would like to hear your insights and opinions.
Thank you.
@stereo5  Then you must be laughing all the time. Because most people form their opinions by listening to audio equipment at dealer showrooms only. Very few of us have the luxury of auditioning at home, and that too a large floorstander. 
BTW, at the hifi dealer showroom (not the home theater one), I listened to the GE Reference for close to 30-45 minutes (I was off that day). I also listened to Proacs and Sonus Fabers during the same session. To my ears, and admittedly in a dealer showroom for a short period of time, the Sonus Fabers sounded much better. It is entirely possible that they sound stupendous in your setup, no doubt. But the OP was asking for opinions from folks who have listened to them. And I gave him mine. No need to be condescending toward other posters if you disagree.
I heard them at a dealer when Sandy Gross came to explain his design philosophy and provide a demo. I must agree that top to bottom balance was wonderful, but  to my ears there just wasn't enough "there" there. I was also underwhelmed by Mr. Gross's knowledge of engineering/physics etc....  
If they excel on rock I'll wager 90% of those who listen to 90% Classical
would be not care much for them .


Not too sure about that. Sandy Gross LOVES Classical Music and demonstrated them with Classical at RMAF. I wasn’t really paying attention to the music as I already had them at home. I spent most of my time making small talk with Sandy. I will say that "Witches Brew" sounds incredible on my T refs.

No, not laughing all the time, only when someone heard them for a few minutes, draws conclusions based on that, then tells another person in the forum who is interested in them that they aren't that great.  You do that person a great disservice.