Please Read and express your feelings and opinions....

I noticed  that lately or maybe for the last five yrs, there is so much arguments,name calling, attacking cables , speakers , components makers and more, more of disagreement with members, even Audio dealers are being attack here...Very few know how to apologize when they are wrong.What can we do as Audiogon members to improve our communication to each other? How to give the informations, recommendation to members who need it? This is without involving Audiogon, any opinion or ideas ,  For me this is fun and place to learn in audio...thank you all
Trolls suck no matter what forum you may visit.
Controversial just to play Devils Advocate.
When it devolves into personal attacks I am out..ok,I do look back in to see where and what round the combatants might be in.
But,I really enjoy reading more experienced peoples postings in my quest to learn more about gear and set ups etc.
Sure,I like my Pendragons and lust after some DI's but I think I would enjoy some Maggies,Legacy and many other that I have seen folks describe here[Personas].
Don't mind dealers as long as they state it so you know where some of their opinions  may be coming from.
And it is kinda like being around friends  when they say some sketchy stuff and you say"Dude,are you outta your mind?That's the stoopidist thing I've ever heard".
I have already learned alot and one of the most civil threads is the one by Whitecamaross and
if I ever get the coin to get all Audiophiled Up
 I would get one of those amps he has reviewed.
Growing up I'm sure most of us have heard"Why can't you all just get along".
Because We are ALL Audiophile Brothers and Sisters and
brothers and sisters always argue and fight and even sometimes agree with each other.
Positve interactions between us are good for our health,
I think I saw that on Dr Phil but it might have been on Judge Judy lol
Thanks To All of You and Your Input.

2channel8, I get your point. In fact, I agree. Admittedly, at times I'm guilty as charged. This is why I support the restricted area suggested by arafiq. Sort of like a flash back to the days of "see ya after school".

IMO, this site is about entertainment, amusement, and enjoyment in as much as it about our quest for audio nirvana by learning all there is to know and sharing ideas. Everyone who has been around on this site for a while knows the members with encyclopedic knowledge and those who are circus clowns. So, as lloydc intelligently points out, it becomes rather easy to sift through threads and just skip over those posts you don't care to read.

The aforementioned said, here is an idea for some improved forum functionality. Hopefully the moderators will read this, take it to heart, and get it in the hands of the IT staff for development and implementation.

My idea/proposal is that the OP of any particular thread should also be afforded the function of removing any particular post and/or blocking a poster altogether from his/her thread. That would clean things up rather nicely, IMO.

Time to listen to some music....
There are quite a few trolls and other fools here whose posts I immediately skip. You learn who they are pretty quickly. I don’t know why they bother, much less how they find the time and energy. On the other hand, they are fair game for uncensored responses. I assume some here merely deploy a sense of humor with impunity. If someone defends a Macina Dynamica product, are they joking?

>>>>Calm down, lloyd. You’re getting yourself all exercised. Also, please spell Machina Dynamica correctly. Carry on with your ranting and raving.