Focal Aria 936 vs Flectra 1028BE

There does not seem to be a big difference in price for these on the used marketplace, perhaps $1,000  - $1,500 or so.  How do they compare sonically? The latest offering from Focal ( The Kanta) uses the flax cones of the Aria vs the W cone used in the Utopia, Sopra and Electra line. And the Electra also has the Berillium tweeter. Any thoughts on which is the better buy used?

I just heard the 936 at a local dealer a few weeks ago. They were pretty good. The 1028be I heard a few years ago I remember walking away impressed. I would take the 1028be over the 936 any day as I think most would.
Ulterior motive in asking.  Just pulled the trigger and now the proud owner of a gently used pair of Electra 1028BE's.  Not set up at home yet, but demo convinced me it is a clear winner.
Congrats, Those speakers will last you a lifetime! they're a bit unforgiving to average recordings but not harsh or bright like I considered all the jmlabs/focal of 10-15 years ago.