What is an excellent power cable?

Looking for a high quality power cable. Anyone recommend anything? Also, is a quality power distributor important as well? 
For $500 new the Synergistic Research UHF Black 10 gauge is really good on an amp. 
I bought 3 Nordost Valhalla 2 meter for $500 each. At the same time I bought Valhalla 4 meter speakers wires. The SC were in need of repair. I thought what the Hell I'll put the PCs in while waiting for the SC to come back from Nordost. I ran one into my pre amp the other into mu mono blocks. I run dedicated lines. Was never a believer of high end cables. That has changed. I got back the Valhalla SC. They are amost broken in. Given the MSRP of $52k, I would Have never bought them. My price of $3,120 all in repaired and certified. Side note, I purchased Tyr interconnects and additional PCs that  cost me more then my original investment. All good, system warrants it.

I like Pangea power cords.
My entire system has Pangea power cords.
They work great and sound fine.
I've had a very positive experience with DCCA power cords on my amp. Shunyata also a good one to look at, their cables really lower the noise floor. Found the Shunyata Black Mamba CX not as appealing on my preamp, music seemed less dynamic but really liked it on my phono stage.
I tried cables from both signal cable and Pangea and all the cables did not work well in my system (every system is different).  I think a few users mentioned it but for me they sucked the life out.  The stock power cables were better.  For reasonably priced cables, I would look into cables from audiosensibility.com. They use OCC cooper and that seems to make a difference.  I also use Audio Art cables, both the Power1 SE and the statement 2 cables.  Great cables.  Good luck!