Infinity Kappa 8's

What to do? My infinity Kappa 8's keeps eating amps for lunch.The 1st failure was with a Yamaha 200 watt per channel model P2200. Amp went black, I replaced the main fuses on the back of amp, it powered-up with new same rating fuses and then amp died again for good.Tryed another P2200 fuse blew again. I've decided not to try the amp again, for fear of completely damaging my last P2200. This is getting expensive! I'm not cranking the volume at full tilt or pushing the bass tone control past 12 o'clock. The speaker can be Bi-amped, but I've just used a single robust P2200 on them. The speaker wire uses large 1/4 inch bananna connectors, so no bare wires can not touch positive to ground on the back of the amp or speakers and the 4 binding posts on the speakers flat metal plates to connect the two binding posts together for single amp operation. Could a faulty cross-over wreak this havoc upon me. Any helpful suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Sorry but a Krell, Levinsen and Classe at the power required is just outside of my budget.

There are a few Classe 200/201's listed around the $1200 range. IMHO that's reasonably short $$$ to get the job done right. The Yammie is a good amp, however it just ain't got enough when the impedance dips. That P2200 is about to celebrate it's 30th birthday, maybe it's time to put the old girl out to pasture ;-)

Good luck,

Paul :-)
look for a pair of B&K M200 Sonatas. They're stable to 1 ohm, capable of 150 amps peak-peak, and sound wonderful. They can be found for <$600, and on occasion <$500.
As someone else pointed out, the 8 kappa can be driven with even an Adcom 545. I own these speakers and have driven them with (without a single "incident") SAE A202, Adcom 545 Mk II, Aragon 4004 Mk II, Hafler 9500, Odyssey Audio Stratos. They are not impossibly difficult to drive. You must either be driving the amplifier hard (into clipping) or there's a short in your crossover.

- Kofi
A pair of Carver Silver 9t monoblocs for about $1200 will drive them with complete authority and make them sing. 900 wpc @ 4 ohms. I use them to drive the amp-killing Kappa 9's.
Got a set in my HT system behind a Sunfire. Sound better bi-wired than they did with two Adcom 555's - though neither setup ever gave me any trouble. My bud just bought a pair of 565's for $900 about a month ago. Good luck!