"Super Rectifier"

I acquired a Line Magnetic 519IA amplifier a few years back.  Lovely amp paired with my Tyler Acoustics PD 80 speakers, but I've often craved a bit more kick, a smidgeon more excitement.  After changing out the original tubes with the exception of the 5ar4 rectifier, I hit upon the Philips 5R4GYS from Upscale Audio touted by dozens of purchasers at the site.  What a difference!  The amp is quieter, more extended at the frequency extremes, and hits harder -- just what I was looking for.

Recently, I noticed a plug-in "Super-Rectifier" offered by Space Tech Labs.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  Seeing the difference substituting the original rectifier made, is it possible to up the ante even more with this product?
Another choice would be the Sophia Agua 274B.  Some have found this to be the "best" tube in the Modwright power supply.  I may try this one myself. 
rodman99999 - you're right, of course.  In all things audio, it seems one can only find out for certain by trying. But I find the sound of the Philips 5R4GYS so satisfying I'm not terribly motivated to bother.
Little over 3 years ago I called Upscale Audio for his opinion on a rectifier tube replacement for my Allnic H1500 phonostage, after the guy said he didn't give opinions and how much he hated Allnic but continued on giving opinions about everything except what I called about, in spite of him I purchased a Phillips/Holland 5R4GYS that I heard great things about from their own customer feedback and have been more than pleased with it's performance, so much so I sourced another one to back it up. As far as the SRT you mentioned I have always been drawn to tube rectification in direct comparison to the other.
I originally thought you were referring to some sort of solid state rectifier.  But having checked out the net, wanted to ask if this is the "Super Rectifier" you are referring to?  Interesting  http://tmraudio.com/components/power-products/space-tech-lab-str-104-mk2-super-tube-rectifier/