Tidal does not post the cost to buy a song or an album on their site

Seeking to find out about streaming. I know Tidal charges $19.99 per month for listening to  high fidelity music on their site. But what if you want to purchase a song or an album? What is the cost?  There is no phone customer service phone number  that I could find to call and inquire. They do provide "Answers to frequently Asked Questions". I am surprised that nobody has asked the cost to purchase a song or an album. If I missed the information I have requested, would appreciate if somebody who used Tidal could provide assistance.  Thank you.  
I figured Tidal catch.
They do not provide hi-rez streaming even if you pay nor they will ever beat analogue quality.

Tidal is not available to speak or answer my questions.
They do not advertise if they sell or only rent content.
Their site does not make it clear whether you can buy content and how much does that cost.
I've used all (I think) streaming services and I (reluctantly) concluded that Tidal has the largest selection, highest fidelity and best search function. The price though seems very high to me.

Here's my question: When a Tidal subscription lapses and downloaded tracks/albums will no longer play, does that imply that there's some sort of DRM code embedded in the data? If so, does that digital watermark in any way degrade the fidelity? I haven't noticed, but perhaps I've not got the late HP's ears. Comments? Thoughts?
I would expect that like Spotify, Tidal offline mode has to be renewed by going online within a 30 day period or the files you have saved offline will no longer play. It’s either on or off so to speak, no in between.
Here's a link to the 'purchasing music' FAQ on Tidal's site:


It looks like you can indeed buy tracks or albums if you'd like, but that's not really what their service is geared towards, it's primarily a streaming service. 

The 'all sales final, one time download link' part isn't as friendly as iTunes where you can always re-download your purchases even if you somehow manage to delete them, and Apple does allow CD-quality lossless purchases as well.