Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M

I have just begun assembling my audio system. I bought a Shindo Monbrison and Shindo Montrachet preamp/amp combo and am using the new Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have rediscovered analog and prefer it to CD/digital for now. I was looking to upgrade my inexpensive turntable, but my dealer thinks that changing the speakers might be better. He suggests the new Avalon Indras.

Any thoughts

Follow up. I went with the Indras first. Changed the amp from the Montrachet to the Shindo CC 80 mono blocks (huge difference). I then began the source changes. Upgraded to a large Clearaudio Magnum. Nice subtle change. However, it was when the graham Phantom was put in that it really sang. An ebony TR cartridge followed, and a nice subtle change happened. Finally, I changed the turntable to the Brinkmann Bardo (massive effect). System stable now for 4 years and no desire to change.
Just have to point out that by describing them as "2 completely different sounds" you just DID compare them HELLO!!