Int Amp for Thiel CS 3.7

I need some advice on choosing the right Int amp to drive a pair of Thiel CS 3.7
Here are some that i can think of : Hegel H360, Modwright KWI 200 SE, Karan KA-I 180 MK2 and others.

@audiotroy  Dave, can you explain what you mean by "the same comments also apply to their gear."  Thanks.

The T+A amp just went in system Tuesday afternoon, and is going through break in...I will report back (via another thread) on my findings after having about two weeks on the new amp.
What do you guys think about the Bel Canto Black ACI 600 all in one.
Does it compete with much more expensive separates ?

The guy with the long A'Gon thread on the dozens of amps he is comparing, user Whitecross, mentions the Bel Canto gear, though I think it was the top of the line model. He was very positive on it.
Whitecamaross was using the $55,000 everything else he ditched it and found it fatiguing after awhile which he clearly states. Actually he changes his mind all the time if your paying attention so I'd trust your own ears before his or anyone else's..