Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!

Hey all,

As someone who hasn't been reading the audiophile press for all that long, I stumbled upon this article that I'm sure it lit up these airwaves when it was first published:

It's a great article and one that any knowledgeable person would most likely agree with, but hey, spending your own hard-earned (or inherited) money is a right and a privilege.  Art does call out some brands that he perceives to give great value:  AMVR, VPL, Conrad-Johnson, DeVore and Harbeth and Kimber and Peachtree and Quicksilver and Rega and Rogue and Spendor and Wavelength.  Shouldn't NAD be on this list?  

But what he doesn't do and I think is warranted, is name the companies that are most egregious in selling high-end products where the performance is far below the cost.  

I, for one, would love to see a list of those manufacturers from the people who read this forum.  You can group them by what they manufacture or just put them in order as you see fit.  I think it would be most helpful in calling b.s. but with "added-value", which is what this whole article was all about.  Right?

Post removed 

Don't folks ever get tired of complaining about the cost of high-end audio? I absolutely agree that some prices are extravagant, and that great sound can be had at a relative bargain by taking the time to audition gear and find components (and accessories) that provide great sound at a good price.  This is NOT news... to anyone.

But it seems like some people cannot get past the fact that they cannot afford the most esoteric gear, and therefore assume (a) it's overpriced and should be available to them for whatever they can afford, or (b) that "It's all snake-oil" and just a way for fools to be parted from their $$$.

If that's that way you feel, OK fine.  But why spend hours online complaining about it?  How's this for an approach; Audition lots of gear and then buy the best sounding stuff that fits your budget and works well together.  If you think something is overpriced, or "snake-oil", or simply doesn't sound that well... DON'T buy it!  If someone else feels differently, or has a different budget, or for whatever reason, disagrees with you...

SO WHAT!?!?  Are you so fragile that the world must accept your truth for you to find peace?  Value is in the eyes of the beholder (or more appropriately, in the ears of the listener).  Shouldn't you be enjoying some music right now, instead of arguing online?  I should!  Bye now.



@aalenik.....further states my thought on the subject. A buddy's daughter received a raise at her job. Not a 6 figure job, believe me. She goes out and spends $ 3K on a designer handbag, because " she had to have it ". Its her money. She is paying her way, paying off college, and wanted extravagant. Look up the price of esoteric handbags. It is just not audio related products. Just look around at what the rich can buy.......I do feel you and I might have ended this thread. Enjoy ! MrD
@chrisoshea how funny you bring up MBL.  Just yesterday I was at a demo studio (Sensorium in NYC) listening to a pair with the source being Pappa Was A Rolling Stone, a 50's Bud Powell recording, Nathan Milstein's classic Bach partitas and a few others and thought they produced some of the best sound I've ever heard.  The speakers retail for $30K.  That's definitely a tidy sum but imho, stacked against other speakers I've heard similarly priced, the MBL's were astonishing, especially given their ability to play loud with no distortion and incredible dispersion in the room.  I did t find them the least but harsh.  
@lgoler  My buddy who imported the Jadis equipment, owned the top model MBLs, and they were fantastic. I played, both on vinyl and cd, the song Europa, by Carlos Santana, and, I cried, it was so emotionally " you are there " engaging. He drove them with the large Jadis amps, and also with a 360 wpc Crown Macro Reference, and sounded great with both ( different characteristics ). Although I love horns, I could easily live with the MBLs. Maybe if you could double your budget, they would do EVERYTHING you would want them to do. Enjoy ! MrD.