
Every time I listen to my system I am delighted with the sound, realism, imaging, tonal quality etc. First to describe my system in 2-channel since it seems most people who read these forums listen to either 2-channel or 2.1 channel.
I have a pair of Paradigm Signature S2’s and compliment each of them with a REL R-528. The REL’s are connected high level at the binding post of the amplifier (Anthem P5). It took awhile but I have them dialed in pretty good to the point when I watch something, even a movie streamed from my computer (Amazon) which comes through in 2-channel, I’m fooled thinking my center channel is active. When low frequency information is delivered, I forget there are subwoofers and the whole soundstage comes alive.
I just wonder why more people don’t opt for quality bookshelf speakers each complimented with it’s own dedicated subwoofer. Keeping in mind the REL is different than conventional subs in the way it gets the same exact signal signature as the main speakers.
I’m interested in hearing others thoughts on my scheme as opposed to floor standers with a single sub with appears most popular.
I've never given little monitors with subs serious consideration for a variety of reasons. First, it a more technically complicated approach. Because of that, it's much more difficult to get the best sound. Second, you're going to lay out more money to get the job done and still probably not end up with something that sounds as good as a full range speaker for less money. That's why I bought Focal 936's instead of 906's or 1008Be's with subs. 906's with matching 1000F subs would have come in at the at least the same money, been more complicated to implement, and not done anything better than the 936's, and probably done it worse. 
To each his won I guess. I've found my favorite subs are the ones turned all the way off.  I've tried many times to get a sub or subs to work and was constantly messing with it and always found I'd rather just have it off.  In a small room I'd rather just give up the bass and yes I think monitors sound great in some rooms.  I'd take a full range floor stander any day in a big room however.  
kosst, with all due respect, you are far from correct. If you’re talking about inexpensive bookshelf speakers, their performance doesn’t justify the money agreed, however, spend good money and get quality products and a REL will integrate nicely. Most quality bookshelf speakers are two-way, good to somewhere around 50Hz give or take some. My Paradigm Signature S2’s are good to 52 (±2dB from 52 Hz - 45 kHz) as per manufacturers specs. Therefore I crossover my R-528 at about 60Hz.
Floor standers (towers) are only good to roughly 40 Hz. Not that much difference. Also it’s important to have the sub the same distance from your listening position assuring there is no phase shift. A common mistake is stuffing a sub in the corner and their mains are 2-3 feet forward of them. This creates a timing issue as the mains will reach your ears before the sub.
The REL has the ability to seamlessly integrate at pretty much any frequency necessary. Too much overlap and it sounds like mud. Not enough and there’s a disconnect. Trick is to find that sweet spot. Don’t forget, volume has a play in it as well. The beauty of REL is as it’s connected high level, they get the same signature as the main speakers. I highly recommend a left and right subwoofer to compliment the left and right mains. With a REL integrated with each main speaker, it will blow away most floor standers (towers) without a sub. Although Focal speakers are very nice, I have a set of Utopia’s in my truck and they are outstanding, it’s all a matter of taste. I’d be careful making direct global comparisons without hard data to back it up otherwise you’re just stating an opinion.
Btw, my room is 13' x 15' x 8", hardwood floors covered by a rug. a sofa 4" from the rear wall, a coffee table and the only room treatment is some sound deadening foam center between the mains.

Here's my system;
Paradigm (Signature S2- Front L&R): (CC-690- Center): (Studio 20- Surround L&R)
REL R-528 (FL & FR, RL & RR, 3 total) / REL T-9 (CC)
Anthem P5 & AVM 60 / Oppo BDP-103 - Blu Ray
Interconnects: Audioquest, King Cobra & Yukon
Speaker cable FL & FR: Transparent Audio / AC cords: Audioquest NRG-4 & WyWires Juice II
I had floorstanders in a room with about the same dimensions as your room, so 14' x 15' x 8.' My speakers go down to 30 Hz and driven with the right amplification, the bass was excellent. Then I moved my system into a large open space, and while I gained some detail, where's the beef?

I added subs, and I'm still running my floorstanders full range. I use my two preamp outs for the setup. The sub amps have all the controls necessary to set things up any way you want. It's all there now, plus a wide open presentation I never had before.
The big difference between the floorstanders  and bookshelf is not 
only bass, Most of the bookshelf is 2 way LS,   and loosing nice
mids, is the shortcoming, The best 2 way speakers is 3 way speakers,
The tweeter and woofer are not design to get good mids, 
We design all my speakers based on wideband drivers and get 
excellent vocal reproduction , like live