Why is Oppo stopping products.

Just went to their website and they are no longer making new products. 

owned by Gibson/ going thru bankrupcy"

You should get you're facts straight Oppo has nothing at all to do with Gibson Guitar in any way and never did have anything to do with them you are just speculating from a little world of fantasy and confusion.
@nonoise Thank you for providing the article!

"While certainly not privy to the meetings at Oppo, after a multi-decade career in technology I can well imagine how it went down. On the conference room screen the PowerPoint slide shows a graph with time as its horizontal axis and $/Renminbi on the vertical. One data line is labeled 'Development and Support Costs' and is trending sharply up as complexity on top of complexity is heaped onto the platforms. A second data line is labeled 'Annual Player Sales'; alas it trends down over time.

Once those curves cross no amount of passion to build exquisite players will save the day."

Perfectly summed up by the author

I think JG has oppo confused with Teac / Esoteric where Gibson owns a major stake - they bought it in 2013 - I believe it’s a 52% stake.

good Listening
