Platter wobble - too much?

Hi everyone,

Just working on getting my new turntable dialed in, and the platter seems to wobble far more than my previous table.  I noticed the wobble with the naked eye from across the room.  I've already tried a new sub-platter to see if the first one perhaps had a bent spindle or machining defect.  I only have one other table to compare it to, so I don't know if this type of variation from flat is normal.  Here are a few videos:

Does this seem like a reasonable tolerance, or am I going to do some damage to the cart/bearing/records?  I appreciate any thoughts y'all might have.

Best, Scott
To the OP
You have unanimous consensus of opinion among responses which almost never happens on this forum.
Visible wobble is never acceptable. 
It is not your job to diagnose or fix it unless you've truly made an error in assembly.
You ought to return the entire package and ask for refund.
The longer you wait, the more you worsen your chances for good outcome .

Totally unacceptable. Total agreement. How often have you seen that on any audio forum?
No way would that be acceptable on a $100 tt, never mind one that is in the thousands.
I would not be touching any part of it, pack it all up and get it shipped back at their cost with either a full refund or a guaranteed perfect replacement.
No other options should even be considered.