Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

Well...yeah...over the top, goofy.  Your OP settling a controversial issue because you got some new interconnects. 

But you knew that, right?

We all happily post about some changes we heard in our systems.  Sharing that enthusiasm is one of the reasons we come to these forums so good on you.

I wasn't claiming you weren't hearing differences in your interconnects, only hinting toward "the other side" of the debate with an equally over-the-top comment.   I was just riffing on the over-the-top nature of your post.  That's all.  

That's weird.  I had skimmed a post addressed to me about my Thiels/subwoofers, went back to it to read it and respond,  but it was removed.  I wonder why?
That's weird. I had skimmed a post ...  but it was removed. I wonder why?
Moderators routinely delete posts that are abusive, profane or significantly off-topic; that promote illegal gambling; or that reveal a user's personal information. Thank goodness. It's all in the Terms of Use.

 I did post to you and removed it. jafant is thin skinned and had me and dicockrum removed from the Thiel Owners thread. Our questions about his system, were considered harassment.

 I see that you decided to keep the 2.7s and sell the 3.7s.
Your subwoofer project has been a little problematic. Wish you the best getting it resolved. That’s why I kept suggesting to keep the 3.7s.

 I messed with subs for 2 years along with a 300lb watchdog, ugh!

 I think that you can achieve most of what you would like to achieve; just not sure that you can get all that you want.

Best wishes mating the subs and 2.7s when you go at it again.

 I believe jafant stated somewhere that, his new goal for system complete; is 2019.

Ah, ok, thanks.

nkonor, mostly it's just been finding a really good chunk of time to do the subs right.  The 2.7s already sound pretty huge by themselves, especially playing vinyl.

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