Leave preamp on all day, off at night

Finally had the funds purchased my first tube hifi component, an arc ref 3. Very happy with purchase so far but has raised a concern. System is in main living room - wife and kids listen casually through day - non critical listening. I listen (more critically) for 1-2h at night when they are asleep.
Im used to solid state components that stay on all day long.
Question- is it a problem leaving the valve pre on most of the day, on most days of the week? Is it really just a matter of burning through the tubes faster,  or are there other expensive delicate components in there that don't like being left on all day? Thanks in advance 
The question of whether to leave preamp on/off reminds me of a question years ago about whether you should turn off your home computer or just leave it on all of the time.  I think it depends.

I will say this with respect to computers having worked in IT for 25+ years.  Computers: Application, Web and Database Servers or any hardware that constitutes a network run 24/7.  They may occasionally get rebooted but otherwise, they're always on.

Computers in an office area sometimes get powered down, sometimes they don't.  The problem with those that get powered down is that they don't receive updates or security patches until they're booted up again.

As far as audio gear (tube gear in particular), I have mixed feelings.

Having said that, I own an Audio Note OTO SE Phone Integrated.  I will sometimes allow it to be powered up for 2-3 days at a time.  I think the longest time was for a 7 day period when it was initially burning-in.

My Nottingham Interspace Jr. TT on the other hand has no on/off switch.

Peter Qvortrup was once asked (and most likely has been asked several times), why does he put the power switch on the back of Audio Note components.

Peter's answer:  So people won't turn them off.
Turning tubes on and off helps the tubes last longer. That's simply a fact. Tubes don't age when they're off.
wolf_garcia"Turning tubes on and off helps the tubes last longer. That's simply a fact. Tubes don't age when they're off."

Wow that is an amazing fact you have stated that tubes don't age when their off what a remarkable conclusion you have arrived at however you're other "fact" is no fact at all because turning tubes on and off does in fact cause them to age and this is the reason for leaving many tube products in the "on" state. Again we see wolf garcia is one of he contributors here who sees his pronouncements and determinations to be some infallible and unchallengeable expressions of truth when in fact it is pretty obvious that you are one of this group's second or third grade American "grammar school"
Turning tubes on and off helps the tubes last longer.

I believe this is particularly true at turn on when you do what I used to do with my tube amps.
That is, I bring the heaters (filaments) on first, so the plates and everything warms up, then with a delay circuit after 1 min I switch the high tension on.
The reason was because NOS RCA Black Plate 805 tubes were very expensive if you could find them.
And of course tubes don’t age when they’re off, wolf was just having a dig!
Cheers George
Clearly the answer for tube longevity is to never turn a tube amp on at all...this does have an impact on the sound of your rig as there will be none, but the tubes will last MUCH longer.