Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?
clearthink, a number of your posts are that people are not reading what you write closely enough to interpret the true meaning of what you are saying. Well, I hope that any day now you take the hint, its only because no one thinks its worth the effort.
OK I am wrong about The Cable Company policy. 
I admit it.  
I now have to burn my "Infallible Guru" card, and turn in my badge.  
As long as I am confessing serious shortcomings.. I confess I really like Yoko Ono albums. And enjoy listening to her sing. Some of her songs are great!.  Now I have to burn my "audiophile" card too.
Shawshank, people may hear the difference. Assuming that the difference is not a placebo effect or confirmation bias, that’s not the point. The point is: is it worth $12K? 

I suppose if you are spending $600K on a pair of Magico Ultimates, than what’s a mere $12K for cable. 
I suppose if you are spending $600K on a pair of Magico Ultimates, than what’s a mere $12K for cable.
 That is likely the most prudent way to look at it overall.

Now just need save up $612k......
At this time, I would like to promote a high end, labor intensive, patented design IC from my friend at He also has an Empress + (at $450/m) and the new Pharoah ICs (at $1,000/m). A common thread in this discussion is the problem of consistently achieving uniform sonic results from a cable from various equipment. Often, cables are touted as mere tone controls. With Mr. Huffman’s cables, there are tonal balance differences; however, the overall neutrality and high definition allow his cables to extract great sonic results from a broad range of equipment. In my own home, I use his Empress cables on my 2nd audio system and both video/audio systems which include a highly modified Dynaco ST70 and custom tube pre-amp as well as audio/video Yamaha CR620 receivers and associated cable, blu-ray, other analog front end equipment. I use his Pharaoh on my main system for the pre-amp-amp and CD player with Empress cables throughout the analog chain.

At several of the past Los Angeles audio shows, we’ve had high end booths demonstrate using Mr. Huffman’s wires. With no real inventory due to their high demand and labor intensive manufacturing, despite pleas from the demonstrators, we couldn’t leave the cabling for more than an hour at any one room. Some of the rooms were using the dreadful High Fidelity and Transparent Audio cables which also sell for enormous amounts and ruined the demonstrations. Someday, Mr. Huffman would like to try his cabling against Mastersounds cabling made for Von Schweikert whose demonstrations are fantastic (as agreed upon by at least seven equipment reviewers in the past three years on-line and my wife and I).

So, cabling can enhance or ruin a music system. It can be system dependent; however, good quality cabling should resolve the best qualities of the equipment. Unfortunately, there is equipment for which no cabling can help make more sonically enjoyable.

I want Goner's to note that Mr. Huffman has had a problem selling to high enders due to low prices.  They regularly dismiss his cabling telling him it couldn't be as good as their $10,000-$20,000/m. cabling based on cost alone.  Too bad for them.  It challenged him to continue improving an already proven design.  He came out with his super neutral, super extended Pharaoh ICs at a higher price point to combat price competition at the high end.