Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

Part of the problem matching amplifier to these speakers is lack of a provided impedance frequency curve from the manufacturer. As the owner has stated, it is not required but I find myself gravitating as a consumer towards manufacturers that are more forthcoming with specific component parts and measurements. For ex, Primaluna I think does a good job with this on their website. DI measurements are still lacking and At this point all we can do is hope that stereophile reviews or time tested reports make their way. Although this thread is full of anecdotal reports and at 1500 + posts, it begs for organization.

I ran a test cd, at relatively low volumes , and subjectively evaluated frequency response, using an otl tube amp that is sensitive to impedance challenges:

I found a good response from 40 hz to 10k.
Like a bell curve,  20, 30,  and 11k, and 12k were barely audible

For some reason there was a significant dip at 60 Hz

and 800 through 3150 hz were the loudest frequencies

The unaccounted for variables are overwhelming But the drop at 60 is a bit puzzling. Unless I have 60 hz hearing loss among other possibilities. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this?
My DI SE have several hundred hours on them now and even though broken in seem to still be gradually improving. I have tried high powered SS amps with excellent results. My current LTA 20 watt UltraLinear is a winner. It is perhaps the best compromise for those who like tube sound but also the speed and dynamics of SS. I still would like to try a low watt SET amp to see what all the fuss is about.

My room is 17’x 18’ with bass traps and diffusers
source is a Modwright Oppo 205 with tube mods
no preamp (still waiting for new LTA preamp)

the system is sounding very real

@ recluseI ran a similar test with my DI's.  I had strong response down to 30hz (cabinet tuning frequency) with a dip from around 50hz.  I suspect this was a function of my room/preferred speaker/listening position more than anything.  I am surprised you did not get more low end extension as my speakers are well out into the room.  ? your amp.
@snovosel The DI's are very flexible regarding amplifier choice.  Yes, a tube amp with a high output impedance could be hit or miss depending on your taste, room, etc.  I find that my DI's perform beautifully with my SS Marantz Reference gear.  The sound is very well sorted out, crescendos have great control and impact, and it just draws me into the music.  I would never characterize the sound as cold or clinical--quite the contrary.  Very musical and with emotion.  I have also used several PP tube amps with great results.  My preference would be dictated by the type of music/recording to be honest. Would love to try a nice 300b SE integrated. I'm sure I would love it with some music, but suspect I would miss the low end impact and control of SS. So it's hard to go wrong.  Suggest you start with the type of amp that has brought you the most pleasure based on your past experience.
I’m running the NAT Audio Transmitter monoblocks with my DI SE and couldn’t be happier. The soundstage is huge, the images are layered with natural depth, the high frequencies and midrange are lush yet resolving and the bass is deep and tight.
@david_ten Included in the DI shootout are Spatial Audio M3 Triode Master and B&W 702 S2.

Will be driving it with PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Premium power amp (EL 34) and PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium preamp (wide assortment of 12au7 -- Mullard, TeleF, Brimar, Ciftie, stock).

Content is delivered via vinyl on a VPI Prime, w/2 3d arms outfitted with Dynavector XX2 and Ortofon Cadenza mono, via SoundSmith MCP2 phonopre; via digital through a Rocketfish bluetooth dongle by way of either Android or iPhone/iPad; via SACD through a SONY drive. Vinyl is typically (but not always) either original pressings and/or the newer 180g releases but in all cases I run them through an ultrasonic cleaner before use.

I’d have to double check but I believe that my interconnect cables are the ones <$100 purchased from Magnolia at Best Buy. Speaker cables are #10 Monoprice.

Room dimensions are 28x16x8, drywalled, carpeted, drop ceiling, no treatment; speakers facing into the long run, however this room is separated by a structural beam and so I have only half the space for listening. I’d like to try to post some images so that you can see the actual layout although it’s unclear how I’d do that.

Musical tendency leans toward vocal harmony groups and solos with decent (sometimes complex) instrumentation: Beach Boys, Beatles, Mamas & Papas, Turtles, Shirelles, Zombies, Ventures, Adele, Shadows, Dick Dale, Nat King Cole, Sinatra, ABC, B-52s, Go-Gos, Bow Wow Wow, Zeppelin, Elvis Costello, Gary Numan, Siouxie, Classics IV, et al.

I rarely play above 85db, most sessions are in the 68-78db range.

I read T. London’s review of the Pass Labs AX25 and Linear Audio ZOTL40 (when combined with the LTA pre) and he used a phrase that connected with me -- "palpability of individual players" during playback. He expressed in words the sensation that I would seek to recreate.