Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
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For cheapskates, Even ordinary Pass & Seymour 5362 heavy duty outlets are superior to most hardware store ones   $5 or so..  Here is a Amazon link They continue to hold their grip for many many years. I use them with my $$$$$$ stereo.    
Avoid Leviton.. they are really junk and the outlets lose any grip quickly.Audiogon, if the link is forbidden sorry I did not mean to break any rules.
And don't forget to give those fresh new receptacles at least a 100 hour burn-in! LOL!
I was always confused about this..... I am no electrician.So dont laugh.  Can i use a 20a Furutech GTX-D-R receptacle on a 15 amp line for my cdp Or does it have to be a 20 amp line while using a 20 amp receptacle.