Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
@audiosens..........Furutech dose not make the double carbon fiber frame and outlet cover. Which i will need 1 double . Oyaide makes the double carbon fiber face plate and aluminum base all attached (WPC-Z2) The price is $374.99. Now, Furutech does have the GTX single carbon fiber wall frame $160 and GTX 104-D outlet cover $120. And Oyaide has the single carbon fiber with the aluminum base attached WPC-Z, $239.99. VH Audio sells them. {Oyaide covers } The difference in cost between the 2 single covers is only $40. But since if i do splurge and go with the Oyaide carbon fiber double cover with aluminum base i might as well also go with the single one from Oyaide. Also when i asked AH Audio if the Oyaide carbon fiber covers will fit with the Furutch GTX-d r , he said that they do fit and he uses them with his Furutech GTX-d r. He also said that there is and will be a 40% to 60% improvement with the Oyaide carbon fiber covers with the Furutech GTX -d r  than not having them. 
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@audiosens.........So u are saying you did hear a difference with the Furutech wall plate with the GTX gold? And the improvement was just as a good improvement as much as having the NFC duplex alone? 

Have you ever seen a 120VAC 20A male plug?

About the only difference is that one side of the plug is horizontal vs both being vertically oriented hence the “t” on the receptacle.

I can’t rememebr seeing any household item that has it other than a hefty audio amplifier. (Heck, they even make and sell adaptors for them)

I used to work on medical lasers that could pull up to 17amps and some of the mobile laser companies would take pliers and twist the horizontal terminal to vertical so it would plug into a 15A receptacle.
(noted on my service report)

Are you the the only person in this house?

Your CDP will never get close to tripping a 15A breaker and you could probably run your whole system off of it without an issue.