Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
I always thought and heard that a CDP and all digital components would be better off on a dedicated circuit..
@everyone.....How many of you that have a high resolution CDP have it on a dedicated circuit?
In fact lower amp equipment should not be used in high amp circuits. If something fails, something might burn before the breaker trips.
That's silly - properly installed 15A and 20A lines are equally safe. In each case, the breaker's function is to protect the line itself, not the device connected to it. Components have their own fuse or breaker for that purpose. There is no hazard in connecting a low-amperage device to a 20A line.
@tattooedtrackman As long as there is already a circuit available where you need it and that circuit doesn't have other  devices or appliances plugged into it, why create another circuit. Every circuit in your house is tied into the same ground and same neutral bars, adding another circuit isn't going to change that (for that you would have to add a complete new service and that would be a bit expensive) and you do not need a 20A circuit to run a CDP. Yes you can install a 20A receptacle where you need it, for the sake of getting a much better receptacle (no one will throw you in jail) and your CDP and other components will plug into it....Jim
My digital equipment is on the same 20 amp line. HOWEVER my digital gear is on a separate power conditioner.
My main conditioner is a Furman REF20i And my digital conditioner is a PS Audio P600 regenerator. Both both used here on the goN.
For folks without multi anything.. I would suggest some ferrite clamps on the digital AC cords to help keep the grunge out of the system.