klipsh forte III purchase

contaplating purchase
I understand with the Forte distance from the rear wall is important. What is that in regards to the Forte III? I’ll have about 3’ on each side of them, about 6’ between and about 2’ to the rear. Amp is a Parasound Halo A23.
My first "real" speakers (1970) were from Allied Radio and had a similar driver configuration (no 15 inch passive, sealed box). I loved them and can’t wait to get Fortes. Please keep us updated with your progress. Care to state what amp you’re using?
my memory is we moved them three times from as close as 18” to 3’ seeking to gain image depth, with tube amp 2’ seemed to provide tight low Q style bass gut easy to follow the line...
using 70 tube amp mono block and tube pre also 250 watt SS working on placment compared to  ,first day much better my vandy 3 dynamics impressed with bass with no sub